
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:北京师范大学出版社  作者:陈艳丽,李英惠 编  页数:269  


  《重庆市高职单独招生考试复习指导:英语》依据教育部《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》,以重庆市中等职业教育公共课系列教材《英语》为蓝本,紧扣考纲,系统把握教材知识结构,注重知识的基础性和全面性,注重学法引导、考点和重难点剖析。  《重庆市高职单独招生考试复习指导:英语》从结构上分为三个部分:语法、题型专练、练习册。语法分为考纲要求、语法精讲、考点分析和语法专练,力求通过精讲让学生掌握考纲要求的基本语法点,并在语法专练中进行强化训练,提高学生灵活运用语法知识、分析问题和解决问题的能力。题型专练部分主要对高职考试题型结合语法进行综合性训练,所选习题紧跟高职考试最新动向,具有较强的实践性和针对性。练习册主要侧重学生训练和对检测的反馈,力求让教师和学生使用方便。同时,《重庆市高职单独招生考试复习指导:英语》也可为英语学习爱好者学习提供帮助。


第一部分 语法名词代词冠词数词形容词与副词介词连词动词非谓语动词从句主谓一致句子种类构词法第二部分 题型专练单词辨音单项选择句型转换交际运用完形填空阅读理解单句辨错书面表达第三部分 练习册单词辨音单项选择句型转换交际运用完形填空阅读理解单句辨错书面表达附录模拟题一模拟题二模拟题三不规则动词表


  A grown-up person has ten or eleven pints (品脱)of blood in his or her body. We can lose a pint of blood without feeling anything, but if we lose a great deal of blood, we feel weak and cold, our faces become pale. We may die.  This is what often happens when somebody is hurt in an accident or a soldier is wounded in a battle. Many people used to die in this way. But nowadays they can be taken to hospital. If they are given some blood at once, they will feel better. Their faces are no longer pale. They wont die.  Where does this blood come from? People who are healthy give some blood so that it can be used in this way. Every three months they go to a place where blood is collected. A special kind of needle is put into the arm. It does not hurt. The blood runs through the needle and through a rubber tube into a bottle. A pint of blood is taken in this way. Then the person who has given blood drinks a cup of tea or coffee. He sits down to rest for a few minutes. Then he feels quite well and goes off. Three months later he comes back and gives an another pint. A person who gives blood in this way feels happy. He knows that his blood will be used to save someones life. Perhaps one day he himself will need blood.  When you are older, you may decide to give blood in this way. But you can not do this until you are eighteen.



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