
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:北京师范大学出版集团,北京师范大学出版社  作者:张彩萍 编  页数:176  




前言第一部分 模拟试卷Model Test 0neModel Test TWOModel Test Three Model Test FourModel Test FiveModel Test SixModel Test SevenModel Test EightModel Test NineModel Test Ten第二部分 参考答案与解析第三部分 录音材料Model Test OneModel Test TWOModel Test ThreeModel Test Four Model Test FiveModel Test SixModel Test SevenModel Test EightModel Test NineModel Test Ten


  Task 2  Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.  With Christmas just around corner, greeting cards are starting to appear inshops. But this year, paper cards are being left out in the cold as electronic Christ-mas tidings become more popular. Last year, a top-grade Christmas card could sell for 35 yuan, but now people won't even pay 15. As the Internet increo singly goes into our daily life, online living is becoming fashionable among teenagers and e-greetings are becoming more and more popular. The major consumers of greeting cards in China are young people. They are always quick to accept the newest lifestyles, so it's natural for them to favor e-cards over traditional paper cards.  Not only are e-cards new and attractive, but also quick and efficient. Young people used to send each other paper cards at Christmas. But the problem is what to do with them all after that? Now they can save e-cards onto a disk and easily open and enjoy them at any moment. The Internet offers a wide variety of choices.Many Internet content providers such as Yahoo, Sina and So hu provide e-greetings service. Many of these sites are free of charge, but an increasing number are introducing a small fee for their service.   ……?



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