
出版时间:2007-5  出版社:北京师范大学出版社  作者:杨勇 编  页数:70  字数:120000  


本练习册是按照《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》的要求,配合《中等职业教育国家规划教材·英语》(基础版,第三册)的同步单元练习用书。课堂教学是学生增长知识、发展能力、培养创新精神的主渠道。本练习册的目的在于帮助学生理解消化课堂上所学的内容,巩固学习成果,引导学生运用所学知识解答问题,培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力和运用语言的能力,全面提高学生的素质。    本练习册以各个单元的话题、功能、结构为主体,针对重点内容、主要语言点、语法等进行强化训练。每单元练习均按教材的体例编写,并加强了听力训练,听力材料与教材同步,难易适中,题型包括单句理解、对话理解、短文理解三个部分。希望使用本书后能对提高学生的听力理解和初步进行英语会话的能力有所帮助,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。    本练习册的内容包括:听力、词汇和语法、日常交际用语。练习的形式有:单项选择、完形填空、阅读理解、交际功能、书面表达等几部分。本练习册除按单元各辅以一套练习外,最后还增加一份期末试卷,以供教师期终考试参考。本练习册力求在全面系统检查基础知识的同时,重点检测并提高学生运用语言的能力,提升中等职业教育生源的整体外语素质,以适应21世纪对人才的多层次需求。    本练习册参考答案附在“教师用书”(第三册)之后。录音部分在本教材(三)录音带第三盒。


Unit 1  Niagara FallsUnit 2  HealthUnit 3  What's Your Favourite Sports?Unit 4  Olympic GamesUnit 5  Airport FacilitiesRevision IUnit 6  HotelUnit 7  At the Travel AgencyUnit 8  Popular CultureUnit 9  Famous PeopleUnit 10   Western FestivalsRevision  IIThe Final  Exam


  Ⅲ. Choose the Right Word for Each Blank  Helen pointed to the tree, and Tom looked up there. He saw Helens cat____up in the tree. It couldnt get down and looked as unhappy as Helen_____Tom went over thegarden fence and climbed the tree and carried the cat down safely. Helen was so pleased to get her cat again____she put her arms round Toms neck and gave him a kiss. This pleased Tom very much. This was certainly____he liked. He wanted the cat to climb____the tree every day. So that night he waited until it was____and then he climbed the____He carried a hammer and nails and a fish____his hand. He knew that cats liked ____  so he nailed the fish to the tree. He wanted to get another  10  the next day.  (  )1. A. high   B. height     C. tall     D. climb  (  )2. A. looks     B. was      C. be   D. does  (  )3. A. what   B. such    C. that     D. but  (  )4. A. which  B. it       C. that  D. what  (  )5. A. down     B. over      C. up   D. on  (  )6. A. dark   B. bright     C. shining D. black  (  )7. A. fence     B. tree      C. window   D. hill  (  )8. A. at    B. on       C. in   D. above  (  )9. A. nails   B. fish      C. Helen    D. fruit  (  )10.A. cat      B. girl    C. fish     D. kiss  IV. Reading Comprehension  Read the following passage and choose the best answer.  Niagara Falls (waterfall) is located on the Niagara River in western New York and sooth eastern Ontario. It was formed about 12 000 years ago. Niagara Falls consists of the Horseshoe or Canadian Falls and the American Falls. The Ameriean Falls are separated by Goat Island, New York. A small section Of the American Falls near Goat Island is al so known as Bridalveil Falls.  The Niagaras large volume of flow, averaging about 5 520 cubic metres per second, plus its steep drop, give the river great power potential. Horseshoe Falls carries a bout nine times more water than the U.S. Falls.  In 1958, the Canadians built a power station at Queenston, Ontario. And the Americans built one in 1963, on the United States side. Niagara Falls is a great tourist attraction, at tracting millions of visitors each year. The falls may be viewed from parks loeated on either side of the river, from observation towers, from boats, from Goat Island. Visitors also may enter the Cave of the Winds, located behind a curtain of falling water near the base of the American Falls.



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