
出版时间:2013-3  出版社:瓦拉西切、乔治、 霍弗 清华大学出版社 (2013-03出版)  






PART Ⅰ FOUNDATIONS FOR SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT  Chapter 1 The Systems Development Environment    What Is Information Systems Analysis and Design?    Systems Analysis and Design: Core Concepts    Systems 6    Definition of a System andlts Parts    Important System Concepts    A Modern Approach to Systems Analysis and Design    Your Rolein Systems Developmen    Developing Information Systems and the Systems    Development Life Cycle    Phase 1: Systems Planrung and Selection    Phase 2: Systems Analysis    Phase 3: Systems Design    Phase 4: Systemslmplementation and Operation    Alternative Approaches to Development    Prototyping    Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools    Joint Application Design    Rapid Application Development    Participatory Design    Agile Methodologies    Key Points Review    Key Terms Checkpoint    Review Questions    Problems and Exercises    Discussion Questions    Case Problems  Chapter 2 The Sources of Software    Introduction    SystemsAcquisition    Outsourcing    Sources of Software    Choosing Off-the-Shelf Software    Reuse    Key Points Review    Key Terms Checkpoint    ReviewQuestions    Problems and Exercises    Field Exerases    Case: Petrie's Electronics  Chapter 3 Monaging the Information Systems Prolect    Pine Valley Furniture Company Background    Managingthelnformation Systems Project    Initiating the Project    Planning the Project    Executing the Project    Closing Downthe Project    Representing and Scheduling Project Plans    Representing Project Plans    Calculating Expected Time Durations Using PERT    Constructing a Gantt Chart and Network Diagram at Pine Valley Furniture    Using Project Management Software    Establislung a Project Starting Date    Entering Tasks and AssWung Task Relationships    Selecting a Scheduling Method to Review Project Reports    Key Points Review    Key Terms Checkpoint    Review Questions    Problems and Exercises    Discussion Questions    Case Problems    Case: Petrie's Electronics  ……PART Ⅱ SYSTEMS PLANNING AND SELECTIONPART Ⅲ SYSTEMS ANALYSISPART Ⅳ SYSTEMS DESIGNPART Ⅴ SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATIONAppendix A ObjecFOriented Analysis and DesignAppendix B Agile MethodologiesReferencesGlossary of AcronymsGlossary of TermsIndex





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