出版时间:2013-2 出版社:清华大学出版社
作者:(英国)劳里•J.马林斯(Laurie J. Mullins) (英国)吉尔•克里斯蒂(Gill Christy)
详细目录关于本书导览出版社致谢第1部分 组织架构 第1章 组织行为学的本质 第2章 组织和管理的方法第2部分 个体 第3章 个体差异与多样性 第4章 知觉与沟通 第5章 工作激励与职位满意度第3部分 群体、团队与领导 第6章 工作群体与团队 第7章 领导的本质 第8章 管理的本质第4部分 组织 第9章 战略与结构 第10章 控制与权力 第11章 企业社会责任与道德 第12章 文化与变革词汇表索引
版权页: 插图: Essentials of Organisational Behauiour is suited particularly to modular or shorter units of study.The underlying theme of the book is the need for organisational effectiveness based on an understanding of organisational behaviour,the people resource and the role of man-agement as an integrating activity. The progressive presentation of contents will appeal to students at undergraduate level or on related professional courses;and to graduate and post-experience students who,through their course of study,wish to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the subject area.It is also hoped that the book may appeal to those aspiring to a managerial position. The aims of this book The aims of this book are to: relate the study of organisational behaviour to that of management; provide an integrated view embracing both theory and practice; point out applications of social science within work organisations and implications for management action; indicate ways in which organisational performance may be improved through better understanding of human resources and the effective management of people.Essentials of Organisational Behaviour concentrates on selected topics and core concepts of the behaviour and management of people in work situations which,it is hoped,will meet the needs of the intended audience.The text is organised in four main parts and 12 chapters arranged with an introduction to the organisational setting followed by a traditional pro-gression through the individual,group and team,and organisational levels of analysis. The format of this book There is a logical flow to the sequencing of topic areas and each chapter of the book is self-contained with appropriate cross-referencing to other chapters.Main sections are identified dearly within each chapter and there are detailed headings and sub-headings.This provides a flexible approach.The selection and ordering of chapters can be varied to suit the demands of your particular course of study or individual interests.