
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:罗伯特·H.弗兰克  




作者:(美国)罗伯特·H.弗兰克(Robert H.Frank) (美国)本·S.伯南克(Ben S.Bernanke)  罗伯特·H.弗兰克(Robert H.Frank),美国康奈尔大学教授,《牛奶可乐经济学》系列畅销书的作者,被誉为通俗经济学第一人。曾与他人共同著述《赢家通吃的社会》,对消费行为理论有很大影响。 本·S.伯南克(Ben S.Bernanke),美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)主席,毕业于哈佛大学和麻省理工学院,曾任普林斯顿大学经济学系主任。伯南克从1987年起成为美联储访问学者,自2002年8月5日开始,担任联邦储备委员会成员。


前言 第1部分引言 第1章像经济学家一样思考 第2部分宏观经济学:数据和问题 第4章支出、收入和GDP 第5章通货膨胀和价格水平 第6章工资和失业 第3部分长期经济 第7章经济增长 第8章储蓄、资本形成和金融市场 第9章货币、价格和金融体系 第4部分短期经济 第10章短期经济波动 第11章支出、产出和财政政策 第12章货币政策与美联储 第13章总供给、总需求和商业周期 第14章宏观经济政策 术语表


版权页:   插图:   The central bank of the United States is called the Federal Reserve System,or the Fed for short.The Fed's two main responsibilities are making monetary policy,which means determining how much money will circulate in the economy,and overseeing and regulating financial markets,especially banks.Created in 1914,one of the original purposes of the Federal Reserve was to help eliminate or control banking panics.A banking panic is an episode in which depositors,spurred by news or rumors of the imminent bankruptcy of one or more banks,rush to withdraw their deposits from the banking system.Because banks do not keep enough reserves on hand to pay off all depositors,even a financially healthy bank can run out of cash during a panic and be forced to close.(LO1) In the short run,the Fed can control the real interest rate as well as the nominal interest rate.Since the real interest rate equals the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate,and because the inflation rate adjusts relatively slowly,the Fed can change the real interest rate by changing the nominal interest rate.In the long run,the real interest rate is determined by the balance of saving and investment (see Chapter 8).The nominal interest rate that the Fed targets most closely is the federal funds rate,which is the rate commercial banks charge each other for very short-term loans.(LO2,LO4) The Federal Reserve's actions affect the economy because changes in the real interest rate affect planned spending.For example,an increase in the real interest rate raises the cost of borrowing,reducing consumption and planned investment.Thus,by increasing the real interest rate,the Fed can reduce planned spending and short-run equilibriu'm output.Conversely,by reducing the real interest rate,the Fed can stimulate planned aggregate expenditure and thereby raise short-run equilibrium output.The Fed's ultimate objectives are to eliminate output gaps and maintain low inflation.To eliminate a recessionary output gap,the Fed will lower the real interest rate.To eliminate an expansionary output gap,the Fed will raise the real interest rate.





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