出版时间:2012-10 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:(英)劳伦斯 著,王勋 等编译 页数:273 字数:220000
作者:(英国)劳伦斯(Lawrence D.H.) 编译:王勋 纪飞
版权页: Far away was the faint blue heap of Nottingham. Between, thecountry lay under a haze of heat, with here and there a flag ofcolliery smoke waving. But near at hand, at the foot of the hill,across the deep-hedged high road, was only the silence of the oldchurch and the castle farm, among their trees. The large view onlymade Geoffrey more sick. He looked away, to the wagons crossingthe field below him, the empty cart like a big insect moving downhill, the load coming up; rocking like a ship, the brown head of thehorse ducking, the brown knees lifted and planted strenuously.Geoffrey wished it would be quick. "Tha didna think--" Geoffrey started, coiled within himself, and looked down at thehandsome lips moving in speech below the brown arms of hisbrother. "Tha didna think 'er'd be thur wi' me--or tha wouldna ha' leftme to it," Maurice said, ending with a little laugh of excited memory. Geoffrey flushed with hate, and had an impulse to set hisfoot on that moving, taunting mouth, which was there below him.There was silence for a time, then, in a peculiar tone of delight,Maurice's voice came again, spelling out the words, as it were: "Ich bin klein, mein Herz ist rein, Ist niemand d'rin als Christallein." Maurice chuckled, then, convulsed at a twinge of recollection,keen as pain, he twisted over, pressed himself into the hay. "Can thee say thy prayers in German?" came his muffled voice. "I non want," growled Geoffrey. Maurice chuckled. His face was quite hidden, and in the darkhe was going over again his last night's experiences. "What about kissing 'er under th' ear, Sonny," he said, in acurious, uneasy tone. He writhed, still startled and inflamed by hisfirst contact with love. Geoffrey's heart swelled within him, and things went dark. Hecould not see the landscape. "An' there's just a nice two-handful of her bosom," came thelow, provocative tones of Maurice, who seemed to be talking tohimself. The two brothers were both fiercely shy of women, and untilthis hay harvest, the whole feminine sex had been represented bytheir mother arid in presence of any other women they were dumblouts.