出版时间:2012-10 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:(英)劳伦斯 著,王勋 等编译 页数:304 字数:242000
戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(David Herbert Lawrence,1885-1930),英国著名小说家、诗人、散文家,被誉为“英国文学史上最伟大的人物之一”。 1885年9月11日,劳伦斯出生在英国诺丁汉郡的一个矿工家庭。他的父亲是一位矿工,接受的教育很少;母亲出身于中产阶级一家庭,受过良好的教育。父亲喜欢纵欲享乐;母亲却古板拘谨,这种不和谐的家庭结构对劳伦斯日后的创作产生了深远的影响。劳伦斯自小身体孱弱、敏感,他是在母爱的庇护下长大成人的,他的成名作《儿子和情人》正是带有他独特家庭经历的自传体小说。在1912年专门从事文学创作之前,劳伦斯当过会计、工人、雇员和小学教师等。1911年,劳伦斯出版了第一部长篇小说《白孔雀》。1913年发表第一部重要小说《儿子与情人》,1915年出版了小说《虹》,1921年出版《恋爱中的女人》,1928年出版《查泰莱夫人的情人》。这些小说的核心内容,都是围绕着性展开的,劳伦斯把人对性的追求,看成是引起一切生活现象的根源。其中,长篇小说《查泰莱夫人的情人》,由于毫不隐晦、直白的性爱描写,曾被斥为淫秽作品,受到英国当局的抨击和查禁。除以上这些作品外,劳伦斯还出版了《亚伦之杖》(1922)、《袋鼠》(1923)等其他题材的小说;出版的诗集有《爱诗及其他》(1913)、《爱神》(1916)、《如意花》(1929)等。劳伦斯长期旅居国外,到过德国、法国、意大利等欧洲国家以及澳洲和美洲。1930年3月2日,劳伦斯病逝于法国的旺斯。
"Half a minute!" Then she closed the door again, softly, and turned once more in her amazement to Hester. "But why, Hester?" Hester's eyes almost squinted with exasperation. She could hardly bear even to glance at the wooden and angry Joe. "Why?" "Why?" came the soft reiteration of Henrietta's question. All the attention focused on Hester, but Hester was a sealed book. "Why?" "She doesn't know herself," said Joe, seeing a loop-hole. Out rang Hester's crazy and melodramatic laugh. "Oh, doesn't she!" Her face flew into sudden strange fury. "Well, if you want to know, I absolutely can't stand your making love to me, if that's what you call the business." Henrietta let go the door-handle and sank weakly into a chair. The worst had come to the worst. Joe's face became purple, then slowly paled to yellow. "Then," said Henrietta in a hollow voice, "you can't marry him." "I couldn't possibly marry him if he kept on being in love with me." She spoke the two words with almost snarling emphasis. "And you couldn't possibly marry him if he wasn't," said the guardian angel, Henrietta. "Why not," cried Hester. "I could stand him all right till he started being in love with me. Now, he's simply out of the question." There was a pause, out of which came Henrietta's: "After all, Hester, a man's supposed to be in love with the woman he wants to marry." "Then he'd better keep it to himself, that's all I've got to say." There was a pause. Joe, silent as ever, looked more wooden and sheepishly angry. "But Hester! Hasn't a man got to be in love with you-?" "Not with me! You've not had it to put up with, my girl." Henrietta sighed helplessly. "Then you can't marry him, that's obvious. What an awful pity! " A pause. "Nothing can be so perfectly humiliating as a man making love to you," said Hester. "I loathe it." "Perhaps it's because it's the wrong man," said Henrietta sadly, with a glance at the wooden and sheepish Joe. "I don't believe I could stand that sort of thing, with any man. Henrietta, do you know what it is, being stroked and cuddled? It's too perfectly awful and ridiculous." "Yes!" said Henrietta, musing sadly. "As if one were a perfectly priceless meat-pie, and the dog licked it tenderly before he gobbled It up. It is rather sickening, I agree." "And what's so awful, a perfectly decent man will go and get that way. Nothing is so awful as a man who has fallen in love," said Hester. "I know what you mean, Hester. So doggy!" said Henrietta sadly. The motor-horn tooted exasperatedly. Henrietta rose like a Portia who has been a failure. She opened the door and suddenly yelled fiercely into the night: "Go on without me. I'll walk. Don't wait." "How long will you be?" came a voice, "I don't know. If l-want to come, I'll walk," she yelled. "Come back for you in an hour." "Right," she shrieked, and slammed the door in their distant faces. Then she sat down dejectedly, in the silence. She was going to stand by Hester. That fool, Joe, standing there like a mutton-head! They heard the car start, and retreat down the lane. "Men are awful!" said Henrietta dejectedly. "Anyhow, you're mistaken," said Joe with sudden venom to Hester. "I'm not in love with you, Miss Clever." The two women looked at him as if he were Lazarus risen. ……