
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:拉封丹 (La Fontaine J.D.)、王勋、纪飞、 等 清华大学出版社 (2013-01出版)  作者:(法) 拉封丹 著 王勋  页数:268  




作者:(法国)拉封丹(La Fontaine J.D.) 编译者:王勋 纪飞


1.两只老鼠、狐狸和禽蛋 2.人和蛇 3.乌龟和两只鸭子 4.鱼和鸬鹚 5.埋金的人和他的朋友 6.狼和牧羊人 7。蜘蛛和燕子 8.斑鸠和公鸡 9.被割去耳朵的狗 10.牧羊人和国王 11.鱼和吹笛子的牧羊人 12.两只鹦鹉和国王父子 13.母狮和熊 14.两个冒险者和护身符 15.兔子 16.商人、贵族、牧羊人和王子 17.狮子 18.众神希望指导朱庇特的儿子 19.农夫、狗和狐狸 20.莫卧儿人的梦 21.狮子、猴子和两头驴 22.狼和狐狸 23.多瑙河畔的农夫 24.一个老人和三个年轻人 25.老鼠和猫头鹰 26.磨坊主父子和驴 27.四肢和胃 28.冒充牧羊人的狼 29.青蛙想要一个国王 30.狐狸和山羊 31.鹰、野母猪和猫 32.酒徒和他的老婆 33.痛风和蜘蛛 34.狼和鹤 35.被人打败的狮子 36.狐狸和葡萄 37.天鹅和厨师 38.狼群和绵羊 39.年老的狮子 40.菲罗墨拉和普洛克涅 41.被溺死的女人 42.谷仓中的黄鼠狼 43.猫和年迈的老鼠 44.猴子和猫 45.鹞鹰和夜莺 46.牧羊人和他的羊群 47.年轻的寡妇 48.猿猴 49.塞西亚的哲人 50.大象和朱庇特的猿猴 51.傻子与圣人 52.英国狐狸 53.太阳和青蛙 54.老鼠联盟 55.达佛涅斯和阿尔咯马杜勒 56.仲裁者、施赈人和隐士


版权页:   插图:    The partners of his misery.Was Minos mocked? or had these ghosts,By some mistake,exchanged their posts?Surprise at this the vision broke;The dreamer suddenly awoke.Some mystery suspecting in it,He got a wise one to explain it.Replied the sage interpreter,"Let not the thing a marvel seem:There is a meaning in your dream:If I have anything of knowledge,sir,It covers counsel from the gods.While tenanting these clay abodes,This vizier sometimes gladly soughtThe solitude that favours thought;Whereas,the hermit,in his cot,Had longings for a vizier's lot."To this interpretation dared I add,The love of solitude I would inspire.It satisfies the heart's desireWith unencumbered gifts and gladHeaven-planted joys,of stingless sweet,Aye springing up beneath our feet.O Solitude! whose secret charms I knowRetreats that I have loved--when shall I goTo taste,far from a world of din and noise,Your shades so fresh,where silence has a voice?When shall their soothing gloom my refuge be?When shall the sacred Nine,from courts afar,And cities with all solitude at war,Engross entire,and teach their votaryThe stealthy movements of the spangled nights,The names and virtues of those errant lightsWhich rule over human character and fate? Or,if not born to purposes so great,The streams,at least,shall win my heartfelt thanks,While,in my verse,I paint their flowery banks.Fate shall not weave my life with golden thread,Nor,"neath rich fret-work,on a purple bed,Shall I repose,full late,my care-worn head.But will my sleep be less a treasure?Less deep,thereby,and full of pleasure?I vow it,sweet and gentle as the dew,Within those deserts sacrifices new;And when the time shall come to yield my breath,Without remorse I'll join the ranks of Death.






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