
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:高尔基  译者:王勋,纪飞  




作者:(俄国)高尔基 编译:王勋 纪飞


第一章/Chapte  第二章/Chapte  第三章/Chapte  第四章/Chapte  第五章/Chapte  第六章/Chapte  第七章/Chapte  第八章/Chapte  第九章/Chapte  第十章/Chapte  第十一章/Chapte  第十二章/Chapte  第十三章/Chapte


版权页:   "Ah!" she would exclaim,starting."I must have fallen asleep,and begun to dream." "But why are you crying?" "For joy and for old age,my dear," she would reply,smiling."I am getting old,you know sixty years have passed over my head." And taking a pinch of snuff,she would begin to tell me some wonderful stories about kind-hearted brigands,holy people,and all sorts of wild animals and evil spirits. She would tell me these stories softly,mysteriously,with her face close to mine,fixing me with her dilated eyes,thus actually infusing into me the strength which was growing within me.The longer she spoke,or rather sang,the more melodiously flowed her words.It was inexpressibly pleasant to listen to her. I would listen and beg for another,and this is what I got: "In the stove there lives an old goblin;once he got a splinter into his paw,and rocked to and fro whimpering,'Oh,little mice,it hurts very much;oh,little mice,I can't bear it!' " Raising her foot,she took it in her hands and wagged it from side to side,wrinkling up her face so funnily,just as if she herself had been hurt. The sailors who stood round bearded,good-natured men listening and laughing,and praising the stories,would say: "Now,Grandmother,give us another." Afterwards they would say: "Come and have supper with us." At supper they regaled her with vodka,and me with water-melon;this they did secretly,for there went to and fro on the boat a man who forbade the eating of fruit,and used to take it away and throw it in the river.He was dressed like an official,and was always drunk;people kept out of his sight. On rare occasions my mother came on deck,and stood on the side farthest from us.She was always silent.





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