出版时间:2012-8 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:马克·吐温 页数:117
马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835-1910),美国著名作家,19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表,被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”、“美国文学之父”。 马克·吐温一生著述颇丰,代表作有《汤姆·索亚历险记》、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《竞选州长》、《百万英镑》、《亚当夏娃日记》等。
I laid a dry stick on the ground and tried to bore a hole in itwith another one, in order to carry out a scheme that I had, and soonI got an awful fright. A thin, transparent bluish film rose out of thehole, and I dropped everything and ran! I thought it was a spirit, andI WAS so frightened! But I looked back, and it was not coming; so Ileaned against a rock and rested and panted, and let my limbs go ontrembling until they got steady again; then I crept w.arily back, alert,watching, and ready to fly if there was occasion, and when I wascome near, I parted the branches of a rose-bush and peepedthrough-wishing the man was about, I was looking so cunning andpretty-but the sprite was gone. I went there, and there was a pinchof delicate pink dust in the hole. I put my finger in, to feel it, andsaid OUCH! and took it out again. It was a cruel pain. I put myfinger in my mouth; and by standing first on one foot and then theother, and grunting, I presently eased my misery; then I was full ofinterest, and began to examine.i was curious to know what the pink dust was. Suddenly thename of it occurred to me, though I had never heard of it before. Itwas FIRE! I was as certain ofit as a person could be of anything inthe world. So without hesitation I named it that-fire. I had created something that didn't exist before, I had added anew thing to the world's uncountable properties; I realized this, andwas proud of'my achievement, and was going to run and find himand tell him about it, thinking to raise myself in his esteem-but Ireflected, and did not do it. No-he would not care for it. He wouldask what it was good for, and what could I answer? for ifit was notGOOD for something, but only beautiful, merely beautiful- So I sighed, and did not go. For it wasn't good for anything; itcould not build a shack, it could not improve melons, it could nothurry a fruit crop; it was useless, it was a foolishness and a vanity;he would despise it and say cutting words. But to me it was notdespicable; I said, "Oh, you fire, I love you, you dainty pinkcreature, for you are BEAUTIFUL-and that is enough!" and wasgoing to gather it to my breast. But refrained. Then I made another maxim out of my head, though it was so nearly like the first one thatI was afraid it was only a plagiarism: "THE BURNTEXPERIMENT SHUNS THE FIRE." I wrought again; and when I had made a good deal of fire-dust I emptied it into a handful of dry brown grass, intending to carry it home and keep it always and play with it; but the wind struck it andit sprayed up and spat out at me fiercely, and I dropped it and ran. When I looked back the blue spirit was towering up and stretching and rolling away like a cloud, and instantly I thought of the name of it-SMOKE!-though, upon my word, I had never heard of smokebefore. ……