
出版时间:2012-11  出版社:凯特•道格拉斯•维珍 (Kate Douglas Wiggin) 清华大学出版社 (2012-11出版)  作者:凯特·道格拉斯·维珍  页数:380  


  凯特·道格拉斯·维珍(Kate Douglas Wiggin,1856-1923),美国著名作家、教育家。  1856年,凯特·道格拉斯·维珍出生在美国费城,父亲在她很小的时候就去世了,之后母亲携家人移居到缅因州。  1878年,维珍在美国旧金山开办了第一家免费幼儿园——“银街幼儿园”,后来还和妹妹一起创办了幼儿师范学校。在和一位才华横溢的年轻律师结婚后,维珍不再继续教学,但仍然坚持每周举办讲座,开办教育培训课程,并造访了许多家幼儿园。  为了替学校筹集资金,维珍开始勤奋写作,她早期的小说《帕特茜的故事》和《鸟儿的圣诞颂歌》等都获得了巨大成功。1888年,维珍和丈夫移居纽约,之后她出版了小说《提摩西的追求》和《波利奥利佛的问题》,其中小说《波利奥利佛的问题》得到了英国著名作家吉卜林的高度赞美,称其主人公是英文小说中最让人快乐的女主人公。1889年,丈夫突然去世,之后维珍几乎将全部精力都投入到幼儿教育事业,但业余时间她仍坚持写作。除此之外,她还致力于儿童慈善阅读事业。1895年,她与出版商瑞奇再婚,在丈夫坚定的支持下,她出版了多部成功的作品,其中包括经典之作《阳光溪农场的丽贝卡》。  维珍一生出版了大量的文学作品,代表作有《太阳溪农场的丽贝卡》(Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, 1910)、《朴素的故事》(Homespun Tales,1920)、《佩内洛普的成长史》(Penelope,s Progress,1898)等,而使她名扬世界的是《太阳溪农场的丽贝卡》,该书被认为是“美国孩子的励志经典”,美国大文豪马克·吐温认为这本书“美丽,温暖,沁人心脾”。




作者:(美国)凯特·道格拉斯·维珍(Kate Douglas Wiggin) 译者:王勋 纪飞  凯特·道格拉斯·维珍(KateDouglas Wiggin,1856—1923),美国著名作家、教育家。维珍一生出版了大量的文学作品,代表作有《太阳溪农场的丽贝卡》(Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm,1910)、《朴素的故事》(Homespun Tales,1920)、《佩内洛普的成长史》(Penelope's Progress,1898)等,而使她名扬世界的还是《太阳溪农场的丽贝卡》,该书被认为是“美国孩子的励志经典”,美国大文豪马克·吐温认为这本书“美丽,温暖,沁人心脾”。


第一章 “我们有七个”/Chapter 1 "We are Seven" 第二章 丽贝卡的亲人们/Chapter 2 Rebecca's Relations 第三章 内心的差异/Chapter 3 A Difference in Hearts 第四章 丽贝卡的看法/Chapter 4 Rebecca's Point of View 第五章 聪明人的办法/Chapter 5 Wisdom's Ways 第六章 阴影里的阳光/Chapter 6 Sunshine in a Shady Place 第七章 波若河的秘/Chapter 7 Riverboro Secrets 第八章 玫瑰的颜色/Chapter 8 Color of Rose 第九章 玫瑰的灰烬/Chapter 9 Ashes of Roses 第十章 彩虹桥/Chapter 10 Rainbow Bridges 第十一章 “心灵的激荡”/Chapter 11 "The Stirring of the Powers" 第十二章 “看这软弱的受难者”/Chapter 12 "See the Pale Martyr" 第十三章 白雪和红玫瑰/Chapter 13 Snow-White;Rose-Red 第十四章 阿拉丁先生/Chapter 14 Mr.Aladdin 第十五章 宴会灯/Chapter 15 The Banquet Lamp 第十六章 成长的季节/Chapter 16 Seasons of Growth 第十七章 悲喜交加的日子/Chapter 17 Gray Days And Gold 第十八章 丽贝卡代表全家/Chapter 18 Rebecca Represents The Family 第十九章伊斯雷尔执事后继有人/Chapter 19 Deacon Israel's Successor 第二十章 心灵的转变/Chapter 20 A Change of Heart 第二十一章 天际线更加宽广/Chapter 21 The Sky Line Widens 第二十二章 三叶草和向日葵/Chapter 22 Clover Blossoms And Sunflowers 第二十三章 艰难时期/Chapter 23 The Hill Difficulty 第二十四章 阿拉丁擦拭神灯/Chapter 24 Aladdin Rubs His Lamp 第二十五章 快乐的玫瑰花/Chapter 25 Roses of Joy 第二十六章 茶余闲谈/Chapter 26 "Over The Teacups" 第二十七章 盛大的场面/Chapter 27 "The Vision Splendid" 第二十八章 命定的枷锁/Chapter 28 "Th'Inevitable Yoke" 第二十九章 母亲和女儿/Chapter 29 Mother And Daughter 第三十章 再见了,太阳溪农场/Chapter 30 Good-By,Sunnybrook 第三十一章 米兰达的歉意/Chapter 31 Aunt Miranda's Apology


版权页:   "You needn't 'a' bothered to bring flowers," remarked that gracious and tactful lady; "the garden's always full of 'era here when it comes time." Jane then kissed Rebecca, giving a somewhat better imitation of the real thing than her sister. "Put the trunk in the entry, Jeremiah, and we'll get it carried upstairs this afternoon," she said. "I'll take it up for ye now, if ye say the word, girls." "No, no; don't leave the horses; somebody'll be comin' past, and we can call 'em in." "Well, good-by, Rebecca; good-day, Mirandy 'n' Jane. You've got a lively little girl there. I guess she'll be a first-rate company keeper." Miss Sawyer shuddered openly at the adjective "lively" as applied to a child; her belief being that though children might be seen, if absolutely necessary, they certainly should never be heard if she could help it. "We're not much used to noise, Jane and me," she remarked acidly. Mr. Cobb saw that he had taken the wrong tack, but he was too unused to argument to explain himself readily, so he drove away, trying to think by what safer word than "lively" he might have described his interesting little passenger. "I'll take you up and show you your room, Rebecca," Miss Miranda said. "Shut the mosquito nettin' door tight behind you, so's to keep the flies out; it ain't flytime yet, but I want you to start right; take your passel along with ye and then you won't have to come down for it; always make your head save your heels. Rub your feet on that braided rug; hang your hat and cape in the entry there as you go past." "It's my best hat," said Rebecca "Take it upstairs then and put it in the clothes-press; but I shouldn't 'a' thought you'd 'a' worn your best hat on the stage." "It's my only hat," explained Rebecca. "My every-day hat wasn't good enough to bring. Fanny's going to finish it." "Lay your parasol in the entry closet." "Do you mind if I keep it in my room, please? It always seems safer."





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