
出版时间:2012-6  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:(英)兰姆,(英)兰姆 改编,王勋,纪飞 等编译  页数:180  字数:235000  




仲夏夜之梦/A Midsummer Night’s Dream
无事生非/Much Ado About No~mg
皆大欢喜/As You Like It
维罗纳二绅士/Two Gentlemen ofVerona
威尼斯商人/Merchant ofVenice
终成眷属/All's Well That Ends Well
驯悍记/Taming ofThe Shrew
错误的喜剧/The Comedy of Erro
一报还一报/Measure for Measure
第十二夜/Twelfth Night;or,What You Will


  When they found the gentlemen had left them,they departed,and oncemore wandered weary in the wood in search of their lovers.  As soon as they were gone the fairy king,who with little Puck had been listening to their quarrels,said to him,"This is your negligence,Puck;or did you do this wilfully?"  "Believe me,king of shadows,”answered Puck,"it was a mistake.Did not you tell me I should know the man by his Athenian garments?However,I amnot sorry this has happened,for I think their jangling makes excellent sport."  "You heard,”said Oberon,"that Demetrius and Lysander are gone to seek a convenient place to fight in.I command you to overhang the night with a thick fog,and lead these quarrelsome lovers so astray in' the dark that theyshall not be able to find each other.Counterfeit each of their voices to the other,and with bitter taunts provoke them to follow you,while they think it is their rival's tongue they hear.See you do this,till they are so weary they can go nofarther;and when you find they are asleep,drop the juice of this other flowerinto Lysander's eyes,and when he awakes he will forget his new love for Helena,and retum to his old passion for Hermia;and then the two fair ladiesmay each one be happy with the man she loves and they will think all that haspassed a vexatious dream.About this quickly,Puck,and I will go and see what sweet love my Titania has found."  Titania was still sleeping,and Oberon,seeing a clown near her who hadlost his way in the wood and was likewise asleep,"This fellow,”said he,"shallbe my Titania's true love",and clapping an ass's head over the clown's,it seemed to fit him as well as if it had grown upon his own shoulders.Though Oberon fixed the ass's head on very gently,it awakened him,and,rising up,unconscious of what Oberon had done to him,he went toward the bower where the fairy queen slept.  "Ah I what angel is that I see?”said Titania,opening her eyes,and the juice of the little purple flower beginning to take effect."Are you as wise asyou are beautiful?"  "Why,mistress,”said the foolish clown,"ifl have wit enough to find theway out of this wood,I have enough to serve my turn."  "Out of the wood do not desire to go,”said the enamoured queen."I am aspirit of no common rate.I love you.Go with me,and I will give you fairies to attend upon you."  She then called four of her fairies.Their names were Peas-blossom,Cobweb,Moth,and Mustard-seed.  "Attend,”said the queen,"upon this sweet gentleman.Hop in his walks and gambol in his sight;feed him with grapes and apricots,and steal for him the honey-bags from the bees.Come,sit with me,”said she to the clown,"and let me play with your amiable hairy cheeks,my beautiful ass! and kiss your fair large ears,my gentle joy."  "Where is Peas-blossom?"said the ass-headed clown,not much regarding the fairy queen's courtship,but very proud ofhis new attendants.  "Here,sir,”said little Peas-blossom.  "Scratch my head,”said the clown."Where is Cobweb?"  "Good Mr.Cobweb,"said the foolish clown,"kill me the red humblebee on the top of that thistle yonder;and,good Mr.Cobweb,bring me the honey-bag.Do not fret yourself too much in the action,Mr.Cobweb,and take care the honey-bag break not;I should be sorry to have you overflown with a honey-bag.Where is Mustard-seed?"  ……




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