出版时间:2012-1 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:[美] 梅尔文·门彻 页数:543
《新闻与传播系列教材·英文原版系列:新闻报道与写作(第11版)(影印)》是世界主流新闻传播学院的通用教材,历经30年考验而仍然畅销不衰。作者梅尔文。孟彻(Melvin Mencher)为哥伦比亚大学新闻学院教授,基于他在新闻教育方面的贡献,美国教育协会新闻与大众传播报业分会授予他“杰出教育者”奖。孟彻结合在不同媒体行业中工作的自己学生们的案例,对报纸、广播电视、网络新闻报道的章法做出富有体系的阐释。本次影印的是它的最新版本,其中论及许多我们身边刚刚发生的事件.案例崭新而富有代表性。 这是一本选材精良,编写严谨,开发比较完备的教科书,适合新闻专业本科高年级和研究生教学。
作者:(美国)梅尔文·门彻(Melvin Mencher)
第一部分 工作中的记者第一章 关于这份工作第二部分 基础篇第二章 故事的组成第三部分 新闻故事的写作第三章 什么是新闻?第四章 写作的工具第五章 导语第六章 故事结构第七章 新闻写作的艺术第八章 特写、长篇及系列报道第九章 广播电视新闻写作第十章 撰写新闻稿第四部分 报道的原则第十一章 挖掘信息第十二章 进行有效的观察第十三章 建立和使用背景第十四章 资源的发现、培育和使用第十五章 采访原则与实践第十六章 演讲、会议与新闻发布会第十七章 直觉、感觉与刻板成见第五部分 从事故到教育第十八章 事故与灾难性报道第十九章 讣告第二十章 警务新闻第二十一章 法制新闻报道第二十二章 体育新闻报道第二十三章 商业新闻报道第二十四章 地方政府与教育第六部分 法律、品位与禁忌,行业准则与伦理第二十五章 报道者与相关法律第二十六章 引领最合适的品位第二十七章 新闻道德
版权页:插图:This is how Tim Madigan begins "The Man Next Door," his interview witha convicted child molester. His editor said Madigan "can talk to anybody." Andthose Madigan talks to speak openly to him: "The fact is,"concedes Jones, a heavyset man with brown hair and eye-glasses, "I have a deviant attraction to young females." "With great reluctance, Jones says he has come to terms with the truth. "Pedo-phile" applies to him." Jones tells Madigan about his attempts to control his deviant tendencies. "Hehas thrown out his collection of pornographic movies He does not visit as hopping mall unaccompanied by his wife." Mrs. Jones is also open with Madigan, telling him that she has learned to standbetween her husband and any children that may be nearby in a line at a restaurant. "If my daughter comes and spends the night and I wake up and Dean's not inmy bed and I find him coming from the front of the house, I should call his probation officer," she tells Madigan. Jones goes along with all this, he says. "I've had the therapy. I've seen it work.As long as I'm not around kids, I haven't molested any kids. "I can't control what trips my triggers. Just like you can't control what tripsyour triggers. What I can do is control what I do with it next."