出版时间:2011-12 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:(美)哈勒尔,(美)高蒂,(美)鲍登 著 页数:534
作者:(美国)哈勒尔(Charles Harrell) (美国)高蒂(Biman K.Ghosh) (美国)鲍登(Royce O.Bowden)
part i
study chapters
i introduction to simulation
2 system dynamics
3 simulation basics
4 discrete-event simulation
5 data collection and analysis
6 model building
7 model verification and validation
8 simulation output analysis
9 comparing systems
10 simulation optimization
11 modeling manufacturing systems
12 modeling material handling systems
13 modeling service systems
part ii
1 introduction to promodel
2 building your first model
3 promodel's output viewer
4 basic modeling concepts
5 fitting statistical distributions to input data
6 intermediate model building
7 model verification and validation
8 simulation output analysis
9 comparing alternative systems
10 simulation optimization with simrunner
11 modeling manufacturing systems
12 material handling concepts
13 modeling service systems
appendix a continuous and discrete distributions in promodel
appendix b critical values for student's t distribution and
standard normal distribution
appendix c fdistribution for α=0.05
appendix d critical values for chi-square distribution
版权页:插图:U.S.Construction Company has one bulldozer,four trucks.and two 10aders.The bulldozer stockpiles material for the loaders"Ikvo Dnes of material must be stocked prior to the initiation of any load operation.The time for the bulldozer to stockpile material is Erlang distributed and consists of the sum of two exponential variables.each with a mean of 4 this coesponds to an Erlang variable with a mean of 8 and a variance of 32).In addition to this material,a loader and an unloaded truck must be available before the loading operation can begin Loading time is exponentially distributed with a mean time of 14 minutes.for loader 1 and 12 minutes for loader2.After atruckisIoaded.it is hauled and then dumped;itmustbe returned before the truck is available for further loading.Hauling time iS normally distributed The average hauling time is 22 minutes when 10 aded and 18 minutes when unloaded.In both eases.we standard deviation iS tIlree minutes Dumping time is uniformly distributed between two and eight minutes Following a loading operation,the 10ader must rest for five minutes before it is available to begin loading ain Simulate this system at the U.S.Construction Company for a period 0f 2.000 hours of operation and analyze tile results.At what Automotive.machined castings arrive randomly(exponential,mean of six minutes)from the supplier to be assembled at one of five identical engine assembly stations.A fork truck delivers the castings from the spping dock to the engine assembly department A recirculatingconveyor connects the assembly stions. Theforklifltruckmoves at a velocity offivefeet per second The distance from the shipping dock tolle assembly department is 1,000feet The conveyoriS 5,000 feetlong and moves at a velocity of fivefeet per second.