出版时间:2012-1 出版社:清华大学 作者:(英)丹尼尔·笛福|译者:王勋//纪飞 页数:394
第一章 父亲的警告
第二章 遭遇暴风雨
第三章 遇上海盗
第四章 出逃
第五章 巴西
第六章 海难
第七章 唯一的幸存者
第八章 最初的日子
第九章 日记:食物和住所
第十章 日记:自然灾害
第十一章 日记:疾病
第十二章 日记:康复
第十三章 日记:考察海岛
第十四章 日记:制作瓦罐与独木舟
第十五章 日记:静静反思
第十六章 逃不出海岛
第十七章 生存技艺进一步改善
第十八章 脚印
第十九章 骨头
第二十章 恐惧与庇护
第二十一章 失事的船
第二十二章 碰上野人
第二十三章 观察“星期五”
第二十四章 教导“星期五”
第二十五章 新的计划
第二十六章 野人又来了
第二十七章 重获自由的俘虏
第二十八章 叛乱者
第二十九章 收复大船
第三十章 回到英国
第三十一章 和“星期五”一起冒险
第三十二章 回到小岛
I had a neighbor, a Portuguese of Lisbon, but born of English parents,whose name was Wells, and in much such circumstances as I was. I call him my neighbor, because his plantation lay next to mine and we went on very sociably together. My stock was but iow, as well as his; and we rather planted for food than anything else for about two years. However, we began to increase,and our land began to come into order; so that the third year we planted some tobacco and made each ofus a large piece of ground ready for planting canes in the year to come.; but we both wanted help and now I found, more than before,I had done wrong in parting with my boy Xury. But alas! for me to do wrong that never did right was no great wonder: I had no remedy but to go on; I was gotten into an employment quite remote to my genius and directly contrary to the life I delighted in and for which I forsook my father's house, and broke through all his good advices; nay, I was coming into the very middle station, or upper degree of low life, which my father advised me to before and which, ifl resolved to go on with, I might as well ha' stayed at home and never have fatigued myself in the world as I had done; and I used often to say to myself, I could ha' done this as well in England among my friends as ha' gone 5000 miles off to do it among strangers and savages in a wilderness, and at such a distance as never to hear from any part of the world that had the least knowledge of me. ……