
出版时间:2011-10  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:巴拉古路萨米  页数:549  




作者:(印度)巴拉古路萨米(E Balagurusamy)


1 overview of c
2 constants, variables, and data types
3 operators and expressions
4 managing input and output operations
5 decision making and branching
6 decision making and looping
7 arrays
8 character arrays and strings
9 user-defined functions
10 structures and unions
11 pointers
12 file management in c
13 dynamic memory allocation and linked lists
14 the preprocessor
15 developing a c program: some guidelines
appendix i: bit-level programming
appendix ii: ascii values of characters
appendix iii: ansi c library functions
appendix iv: projects
appendix v: c99 features


版权页:插图:Test for correct output is done using test data with known results for the purpose of comparison. The most important consideration here is the design or invention of effective testdata. A useful criteria for test data is that all the various conditions and paths that the processing may take during execution must be tested.  Program testing carl be done either at module(function)level or at program level .Modulelevel test,often known as unit test,is conducted on each of the modules to uncover errorswith in the boundary of the module. Uhit testing becomes simple when a module is designed to perform only one function.  Once all modules are unit tested,they should be integrated together to perform the de.sired function(s).There are likely to be interfacing problems. such as data mismatdl be.tween the modules. An integration test is performed to discover errors associated with inter-facing. Program Debugging Debugging is the process of isolating and correcting the errors. One simple method ofdebug-ging is to place print statements throughout the program to display the values of variables. It displays the dynamics of a program and allows US to examine and compare the information at various points.0nce the location of an error is identifled and the error corrected,the debugging statements may be removed. We Can use the conditional compilation statements,discussed in Chapter 14,to switch on or off the debugging statements.  Another approach is to use the process of deduction. The location of an error is arrived atusing the process of elimination and refinement. This is done using a list of possible causes of the error.The third error-locating method is to backtrack the incorrect results through the logic of the program until the mistake is located. That is,beginning at the place where the symptomhas been uncovered,the prograln is traced backward until the error is located.






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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   英文版的c语言书籍,我喜欢,不仅学习了英语又深入学习了c语言,真爽。
  •   印刷质量不错,内容也好,很给力的一本C语言教材
  •   其实吧,买这种书,如果真心想学c语言,不如直接买中文版的(排除某些英语超好的童鞋)
  •   导师让买的教材,初学者还是先看看中文的好了
  •   老公的最爱。他最喜欢IT方面的书,他说百读不厌。下次多买几本这样的
  •   这本书写不错,计算机领域印度真比中国强吧
  •   教材所以买的 还不错的
  •   书有点旧,像是放了很久似的。。
  •   外表有些破损,总体不错!包装还可以,里面不错!
  •   之前看过Broson的 ansi c 与之比较发现, Bala.书更加注重C基础,Broson 是C基础加方法,感觉还是Broson的好一些

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