
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:清华大学  作者:(美)戴尔·卡耐基|译者:王勋//纪飞  页数:295  




第一部分 你应当懂得的关于焦虑的基本事实
 第1章 生活在“独立的隔间”里
 第2章 摆脱忧虑的神奇配方
 第3章 忧虑会给你带来什么
第二部分 怎样消除习惯性的焦虑
 第1章 如何消除思想上的焦虑
 第2章 不要因小事而沮丧
 第3章 摆脱许多焦虑的一条定律
 第4章 与不可避免的事实合作
 第5章 给你的焦虑所设一个“止损线”
 第6章 不要试图“锯木屑”
第三部分 培养平静、快乐的精神状态之法
第四部分 如何避免为批评担忧
第五部分 避免疲劳和忧虑、保持精力和兴致高涨的方法
第六部分 关于战胜忧虑的真实故事


  Note that last again: "Without purpose, the days would have ended, assuch days always end, in disintegration."  If you and I are worried, let's remember that we can use goodold-fashioned work as a medicine. That was said by no less an authority thanthe late Dr.Richard C. Cabot, formerly professor of clinical medicine atHarvard. In his book What Men Live By, Dr. Cabot says: "As a physician, Ihave had the happiness of seeing work cure many persons who have sufferedfrom trembling palsy of the soul which results from overmastering doubts,hesitations, vacillation and fear....Courage given us by our work is like the self-reliance which Emerson has made for ever glorious."If you and I don't keep busy-if we sit around and brood-we will hatch out a whole flock of what Charles Darwin used to call the "wibber gibbers".  And the "wibber gibbers" are nothing but old-fashioned gremlins that will runus hollow and destroy our power of action and our power of will.  I know a businessman in New York who fought the "wibber gibbers" by getting so busy that he had no time to fret and stew. His name is Tremper  Longman, and his office is at 40 Wall Street. He was a student in one of my adult-education classes; and his talk on conquering worry was so interesting,  so impressive, that I asked him to have supper with me afier class; and we sat in a restaurant until long past midnight, discussing his experiences. Here is the story he told me: "Eighteen years ago, I was so worried I had insomnia. I was tense, irritated, and jittery. I felt I was headed for a nervous breakdown.  "I had reason to be worried. I was treasurer of the Crown Fruit and Extract Company, 418 West Broadway, New York. We had half a million dollars invested in strawberries packed in gallon tins. For twenty years, we had been selling these gallon tins of strawberries to manufactures ofice cream."Suddenly our sales stopped because the big ice-cream makers, such asNational Dairy and Borden's, were rapidly increasing their production and were saving money and time by buying strawberries packed in barrels.  ……




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