出版时间:2011-1 出版社:埃恩格(Eldon D.Enger)、 史密斯(Bradley F.Smith) 清华大学出版社 (2011-01出版) 作者:(美) 埃恩格 (美) 史密斯 著 页数:485
《大学环境教育丛书:环境科学:交叉关系学科(第12版)(影印版)》从科学的和社会的角度,分析了当今的环境问题。《大学环境教育丛书:环境科学:交叉关系学科(第12版)(影印版)》中主要介绍了环境问题的复杂性和多学科性、生态学原理及其应用、能源与环境问题、人类对生态系统的影响、各种环境污染问题及环境政策。内容不仅涉及科学和技术领域,而且涉及与之相关的伦理、道德问题。 《大学环境教育丛书:环境科学:交叉关系学科(第12版)(影印版)》配有大量图表和照片,内容丰富生动,数据翔实。在每章开始均列出本章概要和学习目标,使学生对将要学习的内容有全面的了解。每章中安排了“案例研究”、“推动可持续发展校园活动”、“走向绿色”、“链接——水”模块,通过具体事例讨论环境问题的解决方法。各章后给出问题分析、简要总结、复习思考题等,供读者进一步学习利用。 《大学环境教育丛书:环境科学:交叉关系学科(第12版)(影印版)》可作为高等学校各专业环境科学课程的教材,也可供对环境保护感兴趣的读者阅读。
作者:(美国)埃恩格(Eldon D.Enger) (美国)史密斯(Bradley F.Smith)
CHAPTER 1 Environmental InterrelationshipsCHAPTER 2 Environmental EthicsCHAPTER 3 Environmental Risk: Economics, Assessment, and ManagementCHAPTER 4 Interrelated Scientific Principles: Matter, Energy, and EnvironmentCHAPTER 5 Interactions: Environments and OrganismsCHAPTER 6 Kinds of Ecosystems and CommunitiesCHAPTER 7 Populations: Characteristics and IssuesCHAPTER 8 Energy and Civilization: Patterns of ConsumptionCHAPTER 9 Energy SourcesCHAPTER 10 Nuclear EnergyCHAPTER 11 Biodiversity IssuesCHAPTER 12 Land-Use PlanningCHAPTER 13 Soil and Its UsesCHAPTER 14 Agricultural Methods and Pest ManagementCHAPTER 15 Water ManagementCHAPTER 16 Air Quality IssuesCHAPTER 17 Solid Waste Management and DisposalCHAPTER 18 Environmental Regulations: Hazardous Substances and WastesCHAPTER 19 Environmental Policy and Decision MakingAPPENDIX 1APPENDIX 2GLOSSARYCREDITSINDEX
版权页:插图:Most decisions in life involve an analysis of two factors: risk and cost. We commonly ask such questions as "Hw likely is it that someone will be hurt?" and "What is the cost of this course of action?" Fur the rmore, these two factors are often interrelated. When we make economic decisions, we may be risking our hard earnedmoney. Risky decisions that lead to physical harm are often reduced to economic terms when medical care costs or legal fees are in curred.Environmental decision making is no different. Most environment aldecisions involve finding a balance between the perceived cost of en-during the risk and the economic cost of eliminating the conditions that pose the risk. If a new air-pollution regulation is proposed to re-duce the public's exposure to a chemical that is thought to cause disease in a small percentage of the exposed public, industry will besure to point out that it will cost a considerable amount of money to put these conlxols in place and will reduce profitability. Citizens alsomay point out that their tax money will have to support a larger governmental bureaucracy to ensure that the regulations are follo wed.On the other side, advocates will point out the new regulations willlead to reduced risk of illness and reduced health care costs for people who live in areas affected by the pollutant.