
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:施图德蒙德  页数:616  




本书结合实际案例和线性回归方程分析练习为读者解析计量经济学的实用性及应用方法。具体内容包括:计量经济学基本知识、回归分析和回归方程及其应用;普通最小二乘法对于回归模型的应用,回归方程的质量评价;回归分析应用的展开步骤及注意事项;经典模型中的假设、抽样分布、定理、属性及标准符号解析;假设检验基本情况及检验属性、示例分析和局限性;选择解释变量的设定;常数项、函数形式、滞后解释变量、虚拟变量等函数形式选择问题;多重共线性的完全性、推论、检测和补救;序列相关的纯粹性、推论、检验及补救;异方差的纯粹性、推论、检测和补救;回归应用步骤解析;时间序列模型;虚拟应变量技术;联立方程组相关问题解析;预测问题及模型;实验数据、面板数据及相关效应;统计原则问题。  本书注重实用性指导,在解析理论的同时,增强实际操作能力和网络应用,通过大量的知识、练习及案例的扩展,帮助读者更好地理解和学习相关内容。




序言 第1章 回归分析概述 第2章 普通最小二乘法 第3章 学会运用回归分析 第4章 经典模型 第5章 假设检验 第6章 模型设定:选择解释变量 第7章 设定:选择函数形式 第8章 多重共线性 第9章 序列相关 第10章 异方差 第11章 回归运用练习 第12章 时间序列模型 第13章 虚拟应变量技术 第14章 联立方程组 第15章 预测 第16章 实验数据和面板数据 第17章 统计原则 附录a 习题答案 附录b 统计表 索引


插图:The emphasis in this text is on estimating behavioral equations, those thatdescribe the behavior of economic entities. We focus on selecting independentvariables based on the economic theory concerning that behavior. An explanatory variable is chosen because it is a theoretical determinant of the dependentvariable; it is expected to explain at least part of the variation in the dependentvariable. Recall that regression gives evidence but does not prove economiccausality. Just as an example does not prove the rule, a regression result doesnot prove the theory.There are dangers in specifying the wrong independent variables. Our goalshould be to specify only relevant explanatory variables, those expected theoretically to assert a substantive influence on the dependent variable. Variablessuspected of having little effect should be excluded unless their possible impact on the dependent variable is of some particular (e.g, policy) interest.For example, an equation that explains the quantity demanded of a consumption good might use the price of the product and consumer income orwealth as likely variables. Theory also indicates that complementary and substitute goods are important. Therefore, you might decide to include the pricesof complements and substitutes, but which complements and substitutes? Ofcourse, selection of the closest complements and/or substitutes is appropriate, but how far should you go? The choice must be based on theoreticaljudgment, and such judgments are often quite subjective.When researchers decide, for example, that the prices of only two othergoods need to be included, they are said to impose their priors (i.e, previoustheoretical belief) or their working hypotheses on the regression equation.Imposition of such priors is a common practice that determines the numberand kind of hypotheses that the regression equation has to test. The danger isthat a prior may be wrong and could diminish the usefulness of the estimated regression equation. Each of the priors therefore should be explainedand iustified in detail.






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  •   对实际应用和解决实际问题非常有帮助,不是泛泛的空洞的理论

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