
出版时间:2010-12  出版社:清华大学  作者:维尔  页数:386  


  在我国高校,用英语或双语教授专业课程(以下简称:英/双语教学)始于改革开放引进热潮,历经30年,虽发展不快,仍在缓慢推进。20世纪80年代,改革开放后留学归来的教育界学者们不仅引进了各学科先进的研究成果,也随之引进了西方高校的教材。以清华大学出版社为领军的国内出版社适时地引进了西方优秀教材的影印版,推动了一些高校开始在专业课程中开展英/双语教学。2007年以来,国家教育质量工程专设的“国家高校双语教学示范课程建设点”的评定项目被视为政府教育发展的政策风向标,正有力地推动着高校英/双语教学的发展。  但对英/双语教学的必要性,我国高校内部一直争议不断。争议首先围绕着中国人用英语教学的必要性。在公认英语是目前世界通用语言的前提下,英/双语教学的必要性取决于我国高校师生是否有必要及时汲取世界最新的知识和研究成果。答案是不言而喻的。况且英/双语教学省却了翻译过程,可以避免常见的信息减损和曲解问题。不过,信息发布者一教师的英语演讲能力和信息接收者——学生的英语解读能力不足又成为开展英/双语教学的障碍。因而常见的反对意见是,开展英/双语教学,课堂教学内容就会缩水,因为讲授者和听众都得花费精力和时间解译内容。如此看来,我国开展英/双语教学的高校教师必须应对挑战,洞察在我国现有条件下用英文原版教材开展英/双语教学的利和弊,并找到可行的扬长避短的路径。  在经济开放和全球化的大趋势推动下,我国中小学英语教学分量加重,英语普及程度逐年提高,高校新生的英语基础愈益扎实;教师的英语能力也随着师资的新陈代谢而日见增强。这一趋势无疑在为英/双语教学营造越来越有利的条件。尽管如此,不同于以英语为主要语言或官方语言的一些国家,英语在我国的普及率仍较低。在青少年中,英语的普及程度和英语应用能力还仅处于初级水平;高校中能用英语演讲的教师尚属少数,且熟练程度还有待大幅提高。这样的师生英语基础,使得英/双语教学面临巨大的挑战。




第一部分核心概念  第一章采购在价值链中的作用  第二章工业购买行为:采购中的决策  第三章采购管理过程  第四章采购和设施管理  第五章采购商业服务  第六章政府采购  第七章市场结构与供应市场研究 第二部分战略与计划  第八章产品外包和风险管理  第九章采购和经营战略  第十章类别采购:从供应商那里获得更好的业绩  第十一章采购、创新和质量管理  第十二章采购、物流和供应链管理  第十三章组织和采购结构  第十四章业绩评估和采购管理 第三部分执行  第十五章准备与供应商进行合作:成本方法和技术  第十六章零售业中的采购和供应管理


  In summary, the first step in the stage of supplier selection consists of determiningwhether to opt for partial or turnkey contracting out. Second, it should be decided whetherexecution will take place by means of fixed-price or a cost-reimbursable agreement. A third type of contract which is often used in the subcontracting world and whichshould be mentioned here is the unit-rate contract. These contracts determine the cost peractivity for standardized and routine work. Petrochemical companies, for example, annu-ally negotiate unit rates for simple installation and maintenance activities, which are sub-contracted to suppliers (for instance unit rate per metre of piping that is installed, orunit rate per square metre of ground floor which is cleaned). Unit rate contracts are usedfor activities which are standardized but which are difficult to estimate in terms of volumeand time. The selected contracting method determines to a great extent how the next steps of thebuying process will evolve. For that reason, these decisions must be made together withthe user or budget holder. However, the buyer presents the different contracting methodsdeemed possible and outlines the considerations that may influence the decision. The selection of a supplier is one of the most important steps in the purchasing processand several activities precede this decision. Activities start with summarizing the prequali-fication requirements, based on the purchase order specification, that the suppliers who aregoing to be approached for a quotation will have to meet. Next, the initial bidders list(so-called bidders long list) that indicates which suppliers may probably do the job, isassembled. Usually, those suppliers with an excellent vendor rating score, which repre-sents excellent past performance, will be put on the initial bidders list. Next, to each ofthese long listed suppliers a request for information (RFI) will be sent. These suppliers arecontacted to provide references of prior projects and previous experience and other infor-marion that will help them qualify for the order. At this stage it may be necessary to con-duct a supplier visit or audit in order to get a precise idea of the suppliers capabilities.Large companies generally work with approved vendors lists in order to select the sup-pliers for the long list. The long list of suppliers is then reduced to a supplier short list.Based upon the information that was gathered the most promising suppliers are selected.These short-listed suppliers will be contacted through a request for quotation (RFQ). Atthis stage suppliers are invited to submit a bid which meets the requirements as laid downin the request for quotation. The idea behind this is that suppliers should submit their bidsin such a way that they can be compared by the buyer. An important aspect of their bids isthe price that they will offer to the prospective buyer.



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