出版时间:2010-11 出版社:斯科特·奥伯(Scot Ober) 清华大学出版社 (2010-11出版) 作者:斯科特·奥伯 页数:410
作者:(美国)斯科特·奥伯(Scot Ober)斯科特·奥伯(Scot Ober),美国巴尔州立大学教授,曾任《商务沟通学报》主编。本书是奥伯博士的代表作,以实用性和目标导向而著称,是美国市场上最受欢迎的商务沟通教材之一。
第一部分 商务沟通基础第1章 理解商务沟通第3章 人际沟通技能第二部分 培养商务写作技能第4章 写作过程第三部分 通信第6章 例行讯息第7章 说服性讯息第8章 负面讯息第四部分 撰写报告第9章 规划报告和管理数据第10章 报告的写作第五部分 口头沟通和就业沟通第11章 口头陈述第12章 就业沟通参考手册:商业报告的常见类型
插图:Throughout the text, boxed features called Spotlights illustrate how business com-munication is affected by three contemporary issues: the increasing internationaland intercultural nature of today's business world (with an emphasis on demo-graphic diversity within the U.S. work environment), technology in the workplace,and the growing importance of the ethical dimensions of communicating.Spotlights are specifically designed to reinforce criteria from AACSB (the Asso-ciation to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) for teaching the international,technological, ethical, and demographically diverse dimensions of business. Be-cause these are contemporary issues, all 24 Spotlights (two per chapter) are new forthis edition. Also new to this edition, each Spotlight ends with a "Critical Thinking"question to further engage the student.The "Communication Snapshots"————colorful graphics that present up-to-datefactoids about issues directly relating to contemporary business communication——are all new for this edition.Today, if there is one business buzzword, it has to be technology. And with goodreason. Every aspect of contemporary business communication from determin-ing what information to communicate to processing the information and sharingit——depends on technology.