
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:加里·尤克尔(Gary Yukl) 清华大学出版社 (2010-10出版)  作者:加里·尤克尔  页数:530  






作者:(美国)加里·尤克尔(Gary Yukl)加里·尤克尔(Gary Yukl),于1976年在加州大学伯克利分校获博士学位,现为纽约州立大学阿尔巴尼分校管理学教授,主要研究领域为管理学、管理发展和组织变革。加里·尤克尔教授是美国管理学会、美国组织行为学会、美国心理学会等多个学会的成员,是《领导学季刊》、《管理评论》、《领导组织学研究》等学术杂志的编委。尤克尔的著作有10多部,其中《组织领导学》是他的代表作,自1981年出版以来,颇受欢迎,为国际知名大学和培训机构相关课程的首选教材。


第1章 导论:领导的性质 第2章 管理工作的性质 第3章 有效领导行为的透视 第4章 参与式领导、委派和授权 第5章 二元角色塑造理论与追随者 第6章 权力与影响 第7章 管理的品质与技能 第8章 有效领导的权变理论 第9章 魅力型领导和变革型领导 第10章 领导组织中的变革 第11章 团队和决策团体中的领导 第12章 首席执行官的战略领导 第13章 文化的、服务的、精神的和真正的领导 第14章 性别的、多样的和跨文化的领导 第15章 发展领导技能 第16章 总揽与整合


插图:One common indicator of leader effectiveness is the extent to which the per-formance of the team or organizational unitis enhanced and the attainment of goals isfacilitated. Examples of objective measures of performance include sales, net profits,profit margin, market share, return on investment, return on assets, productivity, costper unit of output, costs in relation to budgeted expenditures, and change in the valueof corporate stock. Subjective measures of effectiveness include ratings obtained fromthe leader's superiors, peers, or subordinates.  Follower attitudes and perceptions of the leader are another common indicator ofleader effectiveness, and they are usually measured with questionnaires or interviews.How well does the leader satisfy the needs and expectations of followers? Do they like,respect, and admire the leader? Do they trust the leader and perceive him or her to havehigh integrity? Are they strongly committed to carrying out the leader's requests, or willthey resist, ignore, or subvert them? Does the leader improve the quality of work life,build the self-confidence of followers, increase their skills, and contribute to their psy-chological growth and development? Follower attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs alsoprovide an indirect indicator of dissatisfaction and hostility toward the leader. Examplesof such indicators include absenteeism, voluntary turnover, grievances, complaints tohigher management, requests for transfer, work slowdowns, and deliberate sabotage ofequipment and facilities.






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