
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:清华大学  作者:谢桂梅  页数:274  




本书通过最新的信息和案例、生动的图表、丰富多样的练习,提供了丰富的知识内容。本书主要内容包含当前国际贸易概况,商业合同的签订和执行,国际贸易的程序,合同的标的(包括商品名称、商品质量、商品的数量、商品的包装等),国际贸易术语,国际支付(包括国际支付的各种方式、工具、信用证等),国际货物运输(包括铁路、公路、水运、航空、邮政、管道等),商品的检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁,国际协议和机构以及各种关税和非关税壁垒等。    本书适用于各高等院校的本科生、专科生,以及有志于从事国际贸易实际业务的各类外贸人员。同时,由于本书包含丰富的语言知识、专业知识,也适合部分国际贸易专业的研究生进行双语阅读拓展。


Chapter 1 General Introduction to International Trade 1.1 The Importance of International Trade 1.2 Theory of Comparative Advantage 1.3 Forms of International Trade 1.4 The Current Situation of Trade 1.5 Modes of International Trade 1.6 How to Study This Course Words and Phrases ExerciseChapter 2 Negotiation and Performance of Business Contract 2.1 Contents and Forms of Contract 2.2 Preparations to Contract 2.3 Negotiations to Sign a Contract 2.4 Performance of a Contract Words and Phrases ExerciseChapter 3 Import and Export Procedures 3.1 Procedures in Importing 3.2 Procedures in Exporting 3.3 Main Documents Words and Phrases ExerciseChapter 4 Subject Matter of Contract 4.1 Name of Commodities 4.2 Quality of Commodities 4.3 Quantity of Commodities 4.4 Packing and Packaging of Commodities Words and Phrases ExerciseChapter 5 Terms of Trade 5.1 A General Introduction of Trade Terms 5.2 Contents of Trade Terms 5.3 The Relationship of Price in Different Terms 5.4 Principles in Choosing Different Terms of Price Words and Phrases ExerciseChapter 6 International Payment 6.1 Basic Modes of International Payment 6.2 Instruments of Payment 6.3 Letter of Credit (L/C) Words and Phrases ExerciseChapter 7 International Cargo Transportation 7.1 Modes of Transport 7.2 Container Transport 7.3 Documents in Cargo Transportation 7.4 Clause of Shipment Words and Phrases ExerciseChapter 8 Marine Cargo Insurance 8.1 Definition and Principles of Insurance 8.2 Marine Cargo Insurance 8.3 Insurances Clauses in Sales and Purchasing Contract 8.4 Institute Cargo Clauses of the Institute of London Underwriters Words and Phrases ExerciseChapter 9 Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration 9.1 Inspection 9.2 Claim and Claim Settlement 9.3 Force Majeure 9.4 Arbitration Words and Phrases ExerciseChapter 10 Agreements, Organizations and Protectionism 10.1 Domestic Laws 10.2 International Trade Customs and Agreements 10.3 Domestic Organizations 10.4 International Organizations 10.5 Protectionism 10.6 Tariff Barriers 10.7 Non-tariff Barriers Words and Phrases ExerciseAppendix I International Agreements International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS2000) ICC UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS (UCP600)Appendix II Documents in the Process of Importing and Exporting Sales Contract Letter of Credit Notification of Documentary Credit Bill of Lading Commercial Invoice Insurance Policy Shipping Advice Certificate of OriginReferences


插图:Preparation of goods is the first step in performing contract. In order to fulfill a sale contract, the seller must prepare goods according to the time limit stipulated in the contract and in accordance with the latest date of shipment in L/C. When preparing goods, the seller should pay much attention to quality, specification, quantity, packing, inspection, etc. No matter the quality is higher or lower than the stipulation of contract, it is regarded as breach of contract.As to the quantity, according to article 37 of CISG, "if the seller had delivered goods before the date for delivery, he may, up to that date, deliver any missing part or make up any deficiency in the quantity of the goods delivered, or deliver goods in replacement of any non-conforming goods delivered or remedy any lack of conformity in the goods delivered, provided that the exercise of this right does not cause the buyer unreasonable inconvenience or unreasonable expense. However, the buyer retains any right to claim damages as provided for in this convention".





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  •   挺好的,挺不错的,满意挺好的,挺不错的,满意挺好的,挺不错的,满意
  •   Writing style is a little bit Chinese
  •   我买的最后一本,书本背后明显污迹,而且无法弄干净,花了超过一星期收到,态度一般
  •   对于学商英或国贸的人来说,这书挺好用的
  •   书的质量很好,印刷也没有错误,

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