大学英语跟踪阅读 2

出版时间:2010-8  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:姜毓锋,常宏 总主编  页数:290  


  《大学英语跟踪阅读》系列教材根据教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》编写。  《大学英语跟踪阅读》基于二语习得学习策略分析,深入研究了国内外英语阅读教材编写的特点及社会反馈,吸取了国内教材注重思想性、人文性、科学性以及侧重语言基础的优点,又借鉴了国外教材在选材、编写体例等方面的先进经验和教育理念,具备以下五个方面的特点:  1.强调层次递进,选材来源广泛、由浅入深、循序渐进。《大学英语跟踪阅读》共分四册,涵盖预备阶段、基础阶段和较高阶段。  2.注重交际实用,突出思想前瞻。本书在选材上既考虑思想性、知识性、实用性、趣味性、时代性,又充分突出针对性、全面性。文章短小精悍、内容丰富翔实,便于学生广泛涉猎及提高交际应用能力。  3.植入图片图表,帮助消化理解。本书里的大部分文章都配有贴切的图片,图文并茂、有利理解、增加词汇、拓展知识。  4.选题难易适中,注重逻辑思维。本书每篇文章后面的习题难易适中、针对性强、区分度大、贴切合理,侧重培养和开发学生的逻辑思维能力。  5.体现教学结合,便于检查落实。本书每篇文章均独立编号,预留日期位置。此外,还提供了文内词数,记录阅读用时,以督促学生持之以恒,帮助学生自我检查,便于教师课堂测试。


本书是依据《大学英语课程教学要求》的精神,顺应大学英语教学改革的发展趋势编写而成,分为4册。本册18个单元,每单元由10篇阅读理解文章及不同形式的练习题构成。在编写过程中,力求所选文章依据难易梯度设置,各篇词汇分布均匀,尽可能覆盖《大学英语课程教学要求》中规定的词汇和各项语言基础知识。每篇阅读文章之前均提供了文章字数,供学生及时评估阅读速度和效率,逐步提高阅读理解能力。本教程既可作为独立的大学英语阅读教材使用,也可配合大学英语主干教材使用。    本教程的目标读者为高等院校在校学生,大学英语四、六级备考人员及英语水平相当的其他人士。


Unit 1  A Suitable Christmas Present  Hand Puppets  What Low Pay Results in  Stress  Problems of Population  Communicating in the New Age  An Intelligent Dog  Language  Word Coining  The American Way: FreedomUnit 2  The Chance for a New Life  Umbrella  Unlucky in Love  Women in Britain  The History of Rail Shipping  Albert Einstein  Education and Employment in the US  The Powerful Influence of Weather  Oceans  Maintaining Body HealthUnit 3  The Role of Sport  The Development of Medical Operations  The Threat of AIDS  Throw Your Pills Away--No Hesitation  Spare Your Rod, Spoil the Child  The Effects of Massage  Eating Out  Bright Ideas  Two Kinds of Advertising  Building Substantial WealthUnit 4  A Stitch in Time Saves Nine  Deception  Modem Libraries  World Population  Various Names of England  Reward  Hunger  Overcoming Difficulties in Study  Living with Children  Ant SocietyUnit 5  Memory  Bob and Annie  The British Climate  Foreign Students in the US and Canada  Air Pollution  How Intelligence Develops  Way to Express Your Individuality  Teachers and Actors  How to Make Friends  What Are Good Manners?Unit 6  Small Cars and Large Cars  The Conservative Party vs. the Labour Party  The Effects of Old Age on Health  Jogging  Doing Favors Can Be Dangerous  Tea  A New Medical Instrument  How to Advertise for a Bank  Early Development of Memory  Know the RopesUnit 7  Narcolepsy  What Follows Divorce  The High Cost of Living  Growing Old  Vocabulary Building  Effects of Global Warming  How to Improve Your English  Scottish National Clothing for Men  Marathon of Hope  For RentUnit 8  Great Inventions  The Train Journey  Leaving Tips  The Way Children Learn  A Warning  Dreams  Long Term Memory  Modern Examinations  Expressions and Identities  How to Fight FearsUnit 9  The Pain of Ending a Relationship  Education in America and in China  Test Anxiety  Equality of Opportunity and Competition  Our Changing Diet  Tips  Treasure Hunts  Steps to the Future  Color  Acid RainUnit I0  Employees  Henry Ford  A Life for a Life  Underground Water  Guns in School  Dilemma of Working Women  Liberia  Continental Drift  Film and Stage Play  The Role of ExaminationsUnit II  Child Labor  Synonyms  American Cities  Thanksgiving Day  The Weaker Sex  A Passport to Bright Future  Angel Falls  The Discovery of "Asian" Flu  Why Do They Do Better?  Stars in the SkyUnit 12  Amy Johnson  Tree Rings Record History  Learning by Doing  Traffic in Tokyo  After Great Fire  Cows  Chaplin and the Toy-makers  Assertiveness Training  Television in the Future  Children and SmokingUnit 13  Protecting Your Money  A Nation on Wheels  How to Describe People  The Beginning of Film Industry  How to Be a Good Reader  Reading  Stammer  A Climbing Expedition  How to Choose a Career  The Advantages of TelevisionUnit 14  Money and Friendship  A Doctor's Advice  Beggars  Sleep  The Missing Wallet  Robots  John Russell  The Driver  Helping the Insane  London Taxi DriversUnit 15  Home, Sweet Home  Making Purchases Intelligently  The Symbolic Process  A Ringmaster  Handling Office Calls  Showing Affection to Your Child  An Internet Worker  The Story of an Air-crash Survivor  The Farms That Blew Away  The Do It HomesteadUnit 16  Lacrosse  Tourism  US7 and Its Uses  Guilty or Not  Daydreaming  Adult Education in the US  The Art of Sand Paintings  Preserving Food  A Survivor's Story  ApolloniaUnit 17  The Receipt  Books-on-tape  Plankton -- A New Resource of Food  Women at Work  Will It Matter if I Skip Breakfast?  Understand Your Words  A Visit to Oxford  London -- Paris  So Much to Learn  The Change of British IndustryUnit 18  Edith and Denis  Rats Thrive  Bonsai  The Doctor's Story  Plants and Insects  A Miraculous Jump  Living on My Own  A Well-balanced Life  Diary of an Adoptive Mother  An Olympic VolunteerReference Keys


  2. In the second paragraph, the word "summit" means  A. award   B. summary  C. highest point   D. mountain top  3. According to the passage, Argentina is world-famous because of its  A. obvious position on the map  B. successes in the football World Cup  C. excellence at the most important sports  D. large number of sports fans and supporters  4. According to the passage, if a sportsman only thinks about winning, he will  A. fail to succeed  B. lose enjoyment  C. be successful   D. be unreasonable  5. What is the author's attitude towards international games? Nations that  A. meet on a football field are unlikely to meet on a battlefield  B. win the football World Cup are regarded as best in all aspects  C. win in international games prove the best on the sports field at least  D. give much attention to international competitions are world-famous in many ways




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