
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:林群,安锦兰 主编  页数:221  




旅游从业人员的英语应用水平直接影响着我国旅游业的发展速度与服务质量。本书以学习者应用能力培养为主线,按照旅游活动过程中的食、住、行、游、购、娱等板块逐一进行知识介绍,并通过创设旅游真实情境指导学生实训,以达到学以致用、强化技能培养的目的。    本书定位明确、理论适中、知识系统、图文并茂、内容翔实、案例丰富、贴近实际、操作性强、强化实战演练、通俗易懂、适用范围宽泛,因此本书既可作为职业院校导游和旅游管理专业的教材,也可作为旅游企业在职从业者及管理人员的岗位培训教材,对于广大旅游爱好者也是一本有益的参考读物。    本书附有配套光盘。


Chapter ONE At the travel agency  Unit 1  Tour Consultation     Career Skills     Listening and Speaking Tasks     Reading Tasks     More for Exercises     Related Links     Word Bank  Unit 2  Tour Arrangement     Career Skills     Listening and Speaking Tasks     Reading Tasks     More for Exercises     Related Links     Word BankChapter TWO Arrival  Unit 1  Guests' Arrival     Career Skills     Listening and Speaking Tasks     Reading Tasks     More for Exercises     Related Links     Word Bank  Unit 2  Exchanging Money     Career Skills     Listening and Speaking Tasks     Reading Tasks     More for Exercises     Related Links     Word BankChapter THREE At the Hotel  Unit 1  Checking In     Career Skills     Listening and Speaking Tasks     Reading Tasks     More for Exercises     Related Links     Word Bank  Unit 2  Hotel Service and Facilities     Career Skills     Listening and Speaking Tasks     Reading Tasks     More for Exercises     Related Links     Word BankChapter FOUR Food and Drinks  Unit 1  Eating Out     Career Skills     Listening and Speaking Tasks     Reading Tasks     More for Exercises     Related Links     Word Bank  Unit 2  Chinese Cuisine     Career Skills     Listening and Speaking Tasks     Reading Tasks     More for Exercises     Related Links……Chapter five transportChapter six sightseeingChapter seven shoppingChapter eight entertainmentChapter nine complaints and emergenciesChapter ten departureCommunication activitiesReference


插图:Employers prefer to hire travel agents who have formal training in this field.  Superb communication and computer skills are essential for talking with clients and making travel reservations.Most travel agencies prefer  applicants who  have received training specific to becoming a travel agent. Many vocational schools offer full-time travel agent programs.Travel agent courses  are  also  offered  in  public  adult education programs, online, and in community colleges. These programs teach  students about geography, sales, marketing, and travel industry forms and procedures for ticketing and reservations.Travel agents must be well-organized, accurate, and detail-oriented in order to compile information from various sources and to plan and organize travel itineraries. Agents must have excellent communication skills and must be professional and courteous when dealing with travel representatives and clients.





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  •   学习用书,感觉尚可。
  •   教材的版块分的比较明确,对于加强口语与听力确实有很大帮助,旅游的专业知识性也不错,总之是本不错的教材

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