
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:刘晶,王祥兵 主编,戴劲 等编写  页数:404  


  《高级英语视听说教程》(第二版)是为英语专业高年级学生及相当或以上水平的社会各界英语学习者编写的一套视听说教材。它根据国家教育部颁发的《高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲》的有关规定和要求,结合我国英语视、听、说教学的特点和英语教学发展趋势编写而成。  中国在走向世界,高等教育也面临着前所未有的挑战。外语专业如何在原来重视语言微技能训练的教学模式基础之上,使学生具备较高的认知水平,从而更好地从事深度跨文化交流,乃至构建国家“中介文化能力”(Intercultural Competence)是专业英语教育必须解决的问题。正是基于这种考虑,在修订《高级英语视听说教程》时,我们本着向学科内涵拓展,培养评判性思维能力的理念,在原有模式上,增加训练高级思维能力的练习,目的是让学生在学习英语的同时,拓宽视野,提升创造力。  培养评判性思维(critical thinking)能力是我们努力要做的事情。本世纪初,我国高等教育正在发生着从精英教育向大众教育的转换,此时,美国政府把培养这种能力列入其教育目标。相对而言,我们对“评判性思维”知之甚少。然而,信息时代通过网络也同时向我们传递着这个概念。2005年从我系英语专业三年级学生的学术论文写作课程中,这个概念第一次进入我们的视线,并引导我们逐渐涉足这个领域。


本教程精选了涉及英语母语国家政治、经济和文化生活等不同侧面的视频短片作为素材,每单元围绕一段主题片段,精心设计了视前阅读、视前准备和视听训练三大教学环节。选题广泛、选材真实、语言多样化,在练习编排和设计上既重视语言微技能训练,又特别注意培养学生的评判性思维能力和深度跨文化交流能力。    本教程可供大学英语专业学生使用,也可供其他中、高级英语爱好者使用。


Unit 1  Political Farewell  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 2  Teenage Drinking  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 3  Teenage Smoking  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 4  Gun Violence  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 5  The Killing of the Innocent  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 6  Donahue Talk Show: Racism (Ⅰ)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 7  Donahue Talk Show: Racism (Ⅱ)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 8 A Debate on Homosexuality (Ⅰ)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 9  A Debate on Homosexuality (Ⅱ)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 10  The GrammyAwards  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 11  The Academy Awards  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 12  Darwinism  PartA  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 13  Teaching Evolution  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 14  Cloning  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 15  Religion and Art  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 16  Michelle Pfeiffer: an Interview (Ⅰ)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 17  Michelle Pfeiffer: an Interview (Ⅱ)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 18  Free Press vs Fair Trial  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesAppendix Transcript  Unit 1  Political Farewell  Unit 2  Teenage Drinking  Unit 3  Teenage Smoking  Unit 4  Gun Violence  Unit 5  The Killing of the Innocent  Unit 6  Donahue Talk Show: Racism (Ⅰ)  Unit 7  Donahue Talk Show: Racism (Ⅱ)  Unit 8  A Debate on Homosexuality (Ⅰ)  Unit 9  A Debate on Homosexuality (Ⅱ)  Unit 10  The Grammy Awards  Unit 11 The Academy Awards  Unit 12  Darwinism  Unit 13  Teaching Evolution  Unit 14  Cloning  Unit 15  Religion and Art  Unit 16  Michelle Pfeiffer: an Interview (Ⅰ)  Unit 17  Michelle Pfeiffer: an Interview (Ⅱ)  Unit 18  Free Press vs Fair Trial


  Many of the Republicans who control Congress agree withHelms that foreign aid is a "rat hole". They may try to limit theadministrations options by cutting the money Clinton has tospend abroad. Clinton has preferred to act through the UnitedNations; the administrations U.N. ambassador, MadeleineAlbright, has been a powerful voice at the White House. TheUnited States now contributes soldiers to most of the 15 U.N.peacekeeping operations, ranging from a few dozen troops inthe western Sahara to as many as 20,000 in Haiti. Helms willsurely try to cut Americas annual $1.3 billion contribution to theUnited Nations, $986 million of which goes for peacekeeping.Another prime target is the $3 billion Congress spends eachyear on international development funds, mostly in Africa, forwhich Helms shows the same regard he does for unmarriedmothers on welfare.  In his chairmans role, Helms will have the power to blockthe administrations foreign-policy appointments. He hasalready informally nixed defeated House Speaker ThomasFoley as ambassador to China. Administration insiders laughthat Helms is employment insurance for Warren Christopher,since no new nominee for Secretary of State could surviveconfirmation hearings before Helmscertainly not StrobeTalbott, the name most often mentioned as Christopherssuccessor.



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