
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:清华大学  作者:(意)亚米契斯|译者:王勋//纪飞  页数:290  


埃得蒙多·德·亚米契斯(Edmondo De Amicis,1846-1908),意大利著名作家、民族复兴运动时期的爱国志士。亚米契斯1846年10月31日出生在意大利。中学毕业后,他进入军校学习,后来参加了统一意大利的爱国战争。亚米契斯在军队期间就开始写一些具有爱国风味的短篇故事。1868年,他发表了处女作《军营生活》,该书使他一举成名,并从此走上了文学创作的道路。他曾周游世界各国,撰写了许多游记,其中著名的有《西班牙》、《伦敦游记》、《摩洛哥》和《巴黎游记》等。亚米契斯还创作了许多反映教育和爱的作品,如《一个教师的故事》、《学校与家庭之间》、《朋友们》和《在海洋上》等。1886年,亚米契斯发表了《爱的教育》,该书为他赢得了世界声誉,使他的创作生涯达到顶峰。1908年3月12日,亚米契斯因心脏病逝世。  在亚米契斯的众多作品中,《爱的教育》被认为是他最重要的代表作,是其最广为人知的作品,也是世界经典儿童文学名著之一。该书被认为是意大利人必读的十本小说之一,同时被公认为最富爱心和教育性的读物,受到许多青少年和家长读者的喜爱,对全世界亿万青少年的成长产生了深远影响。该书自出版以来,一直畅销不衰,并且曾多次被改编为动画片、电影、连环画,读者遍布全世界。《爱的教育》在20世纪20年代被译介到中国,在我国获得了久远的、广泛的传播,是一部家喻户晓的外国文学名著,赢得了中国教育界和广大读者的喜爱。朱光潜、丰子恺、茅盾、夏衍等知名学者曾将此书推荐为青少年朋友的重点读物。《爱的教育》目前仍是受到广大中国读者欢迎的外国经典名著之一。在国内数量众多的《爱的教育》书籍中,主要的出版形式有两种:一种是中文翻译版,另一种是英文版。其中的英文版越来越受到读者的欢迎,这主要是得益于中国人热衷于学习英文的大环境。从英文学习的角度来看,直接使用纯英文素材更有利于英语学习。


《爱的教育》是意大利著名作家亚米契斯的代表作之一,是公认的文学经典名著。该书采用日记的形式,通过一个小男孩的视角,时间从10月份四年级开学的第一天开始,一直到第二年7月份,共讲述了100个与孩子有关的故事;主要内容由三部分构成:主人公的日记,他的父母给他写的劝诫、启发性的文章,十则老师在课堂上宣读的精彩“每月故事”。每个故事、每篇日记,都把“爱”表现得精髓深入、淋漓尽致,大至国家、社会、民族的大爱,小至父母、师长、朋友间的小爱,每一种爱都不是惊天动地的,但却感人肺腑。日记所反映的真实的爱、热切的情感,无不让人热泪盈眶。    该书自出版以来,一直受到全世界读者的喜爱,已被译成世界上一百多种语言,并被改编为动画片、电影、连环画。书中所展现的故事感染了一代又一代读者的心灵。无论作为语言学习的课本,还是作为通俗的文学读本,本书对当代中国的读者,特别是青少年都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解英文故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每章的开始部分增加了中文导读。




十月/October  1周一,17日,开学第一天/Monday, 17th. The First Day of School  1周二,18日,我们的班主任/Tuesday, 18th. Our Master  3周五,21日,不幸事件/Friday, 21st. An Accident  5周六,22日,卡拉布利亚的孩子/Saturday, 22nd. The Calabrian Boy  7周二,25日,同窗/Tuesday, 25th. My Schoolmates  8周三,26日,高尚的行为/Wednesday, 26th. A Generous Deed  10周四,27日,我二年级的女老师/Thursday, 27th. My Schoolmistress of the Upper First  12周五,28日,阁楼里的故事/Friday, 28th. In An Attic  14周五,28日,学校(爸爸的信)/Friday, 28th. The School  16周六,29日,派多瓦的小爱国者(每月故事)/Saturday, 29th. The Little Patriot of Padua (Monthly Story)  17十一月/November  20周二,1日,扫烟囱的孩子/Tuesday, 1st. The Chimney-Sweep  20周三,2日,万灵节(妈妈的信)/Wednesday, 2nd. The Day of the Dead (All-Souls'-Day)  22周五,4日,好友加罗内/Friday, 4th. My Friend Garrone  23周一,7日,卖炭者与绅士/Monday, 7th. The Charcoal-Man and the Gentleman  25周四,10日,弟弟的女老师/Thursday, 10th. My Brother's Schoolmistress  27周四,10日,我的妈妈(爸爸的信)/Thursday, 10th. My Mother  29周日,13日,朋友柯雷蒂/Sunday, 13th. My Friend Coretti  30周五,18日,校长/Friday, 18th. The Principal  34周二,22日,士兵/Tuesday, 22nd. The Soldiers  37周三,23日,奈利的保护人/Wednesday, 23rd. Nelli's Protector  39周五,25日,全班第一名/Friday, 25th. The Head of the Class  40周六,26日,伦巴第的小哨兵(每月故事)/Saturday, 26th. The Little Vidette of Lombardy (Monthly Story)  42周二,29日,穷人(妈妈的信)/Tuesday, 29th. The Poor  47十二月/December  49周四,1日,小商人/Thursday, 1st. The Trader  49周一,5日,虚荣心/Monday, 5th. Vanity  51周六,10日,第一场大雪/Saturday, 10th. The First Snow-storm  52周日,11日,“小泥瓦匠”/Sunday, 11th. Muratorino, the Little Mason  55周五,16日,雪球/Friday,16th. A Snowball  57周六,17日,女老师/Saturday, 17th. The Schoolmistresses  59周日,18日,受伤的老人/Sunday, 18th. The Wounded Man  60佛罗伦萨的小抄写员(每月故事)/The Little Florentine Scribe (Monthly Story)  63周三,28日,意志/Wednesday, 28th. Will  70周六,31日,感激(爸爸的信)/Saturday, 31st. Gratitude  71一月/January  74周三,4日,代课老师/Wednesday, 4th. The Assistant Master  74斯达蒂的图书馆/Stardi's Library  76铁匠的儿子/The Blacksmith's Son  78周四,12日,美好的来访/Thursday, 12th. A Fine Visit  80周二,17日,维托里奥·艾马努埃莱国王的葬礼/Tuesday, 17th. The Funeral of Vittorio Emanuele  82周六,21日,弗兰蒂被赶走/Saturday, 21st. Franti Expelled From School  83撒丁岛的小鼓手(每月故事)/The Sardinian Drummer-Boy(Monthly Story)  85周二,24日,爱国(爸爸的信)/Tuesday, 24th. The Love of Country  93周三,25日,嫉妒/Wednesday, 25th. Envy  94周六,28日,弗兰蒂的妈妈/Saturday, 28th. Franti's Mother  97周日,29日,希望(妈妈的信)/Sunday, 29th. Hope  98二月/February  101周六,4日,隆重的颁奖仪式/Saturday, 4th. A Medal Well Bestowed  101周日,5日,决心/Sunday, 5th. Good Resolutions  103周五,10日,小火车/Friday, 10th. The Train of Cars  104周六,11日,傲慢/Saturday, 11th. Pride  107周一,15日,工伤/Monday, 15th. The Wounds of Labor  109周五,17日,囚犯/Friday, 17th. The Prisoner  111爸爸的护士(每月故事)/Daddy's Nurse (Monthly Story)  114周六,18日,作坊/Saturday, 18th. The Workshop  122周一,20日,小丑/Monday, 20th. The Little Clown  124周二,21日,狂欢节的最后一天/Tuesday, 21st. The Last Day of the Carnival  128周四,23日,失明的孩子/Thursday, 23rd. The Blind Boys  130周六,25日,生病的老师/Saturday, 25th. The Sick Teacher  136周六,25日,街道(爸爸的信)/Saturday, 25th. The Street  138三月/March  140周四,2日,夜校/Thursday, 2nd. The Evening School  140周日,5日,打架/Sunday, 5th. The Fight  142周一,6日,孩子们的家长/Monday, 6th. The Boys' Parents  145周三,8日,78号/Wednesday, 8th. Number 78  146周一,13日,死去的孩子/Monday, 13th. A Little Dead Boy  1483月14日前夕/The Eve of the Fourteenth of March  150周二,14日,颁奖/Tuesday, 14th. The Distribution of Prizes  151周一,20日,争吵/Monday, 20th. The Quarrel  157周五,24日,我的姐姐(姐姐的信)/Friday, 24th. My Sister  159罗马涅的鲜血(每月故事)/Blood of Romagna(Monthly Story)  160周二,28日,病床上的“小泥瓦匠”/Tuesday, 28th. The Little Mason on His Sick-Bed  167周三,29日,加富尔伯爵(爸爸的信)/Wednesday, 29th. Count Cavour  169四月/April  171周六,1日,春天/Saturday, 1st. Spring  171周一,3日,翁贝托国王/Monday, 3rd. King Umberto  172周二,4日,幼儿园/Tuesday, 4th. The Infant Asylum  178周三,5日,体育课/Wednesday, 5th. Gymnastics  181周二,11日,我爸爸的老师/Tuesday, 11th. My Father's Teacher  184周四,20日,生病/Thursday, 20th. Convalescence  193周四,20日,工人朋友(爸爸的信)/Thursday, 20th. Friends Among the Workingmen  195周六,29日,加罗内的妈妈/Saturday, 29th. Garrone's Mother  197周六,29日,朱塞佩·马志尼/Saturday, 29th. Giuseppe Mazzini  199公民荣誉奖章(每月故事)/Civic Valor(Monthly Story)  200五月/May  205周五,5日,患佝偻病的孩子们(妈妈的信)/Friday, 5th. Children with the Rickets  205周二,9日,牺牲/Tuesday, 9th. Sacrifice  208周四,11日,一场大火/Thursday, 11th. The Fire  210从亚平宁山脉到安第斯山脉(每月故事)/From the Apennines to the Andes (Monthly Story)  213周三,24日,夏天/Wednesday, 24th. Summer  245周五,26日,诗意(爸爸的信)/Friday, 26th. The Poetic Side  246周日,28日,聋哑女/Sunday, 28th. The Deaf-Mute  248六月/June  256周六,3日(明天是国庆节),加里波第将军(爸爸的信)/Friday, 3rd. Tomorrow is the National Festival Day Garibaldi  256周日,11日,军队/Sunday, 11th. The Army  257周二,13日,意大利(爸爸的信)/Tuesday, 13th. Italy  259周五,16日,三十二度/Friday, 16th. Thirty-Two Degrees  260周六,17日,我的爸爸(妈妈的信)/Saturday, 17th. My Father  262周一,19日,郊游/Monday, 19th. In the Country  263周日,25日,向工人们颁奖/Sunday, 25th. The Distribution of Prizes To the Workingmen  267周二,27日,女教师之死/Tuesday, 27th. My Dead Schoolmistress  270周三,28日,感谢/Wednesday, 28th. Thanks  272海难(最后一个每月故事)/The Shipwreck (Last Monthly Story )  274七月/July  281周六,1日,妈妈的最后一页(妈妈的信)/Saturday, 1st. The Last Page From My Mother  281周二,4日,考试/Tuesday, 4th. The Examinations  282周五,7日,最后一门考试/Friday, 7th. The Last Examination  284周一,10日,告别/Monday, 10th. Farewell  288


插图:This day is sacred to the memory of the dead. Do you know, Enrico, that all you boys should, on this day, devote a thought to those who are dead? To those Who have died for you, for boys and little children. How many have died, and how many are dying continually! Have you ever reflected how many fathers have worn out their lives in toil? How many mothers have descended to the grave before their time, worn out by the privations to which they have condemned themselves for the sake of sustaining their children? Do you know how many men have planted a knife in their hearts in despair at beholding their children in misery? How many women have drowned themselves or have died of sorrow, or have gone mad, through having lost a child? Think of all these dead on this day, Enrico. Think of how many schoolmistresses have died young, have pined away through the fatigues of the school, through love of the children, from whom they had not the heart to tear themselves away; think of the doctors who have perished of contagious diseases, having bravely sacrificed themselves to cure the children; think of all those who in shipwrecks, in fires, in famines, in moments of supreme danger, have yielded to infants the last morsel of bread, the last place of safety, the last rope of escape from the flames, to expire content with their sacrifice, since they preserved the life of a little innocent.






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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   有些难度,先放着等孩子学好英语再仔细看看吧
  •   很好,内容不错,英语也不太难,适合平时读。
  •   是本教育意义很强的书,留着以后给孩子读,中间一些英文单词有拼写错误
  •   书不错,是本好书包装烂了点

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