出版时间:2010-4 出版社:清华大学 作者:何福胜//杨芳 页数:241 字数:350000
根据国务院学位委员会办公室颁布的《硕士学位研究生入学资格考试指南》的要求,本考试共由四部分组成:语言表达能力测试、数学基础能力测试、逻辑判断能力测试和外语(英语)运用能力测试。其中,外语运用能力测试对英语的词汇量有了一个比较具体的要求和规定。 本书是全国工程硕士专业学位教育指导委员会组编的系列辅导教程《英语考前辅导教程》和《英语模拟试题与解析》的配套教材,对《指南》中要求熟练掌握的常用词汇和词组进行了详细的解释,列出其词条、音标和汉语意思,并按意群加以归纳总结。全书出现的所有词汇都以国际音标注音。其中加▲的词汇为需要重点记忆的词汇。 本书的特点 1.按意群分类本书对大纲中要求熟练掌握的常用词汇和词组进行了归纳总结,列出其词条、音标和汉语意思,并按意群加以归纳总结。 2.考试要点与模拟试题解析考试要点均以考题形式编写成模拟试题,并配有试题解析。最后提供了大量的综合性词汇训练并附有答案,能使考生系统性地恢复词汇量并提高词汇题的应试能力。 本书的功能 1.同义词和近义词词汇考试中最重要的语言基本功就是掌握同义词和近义词,几乎所有考试中所考词项和四个干扰项都是同义词或近义词。设计本书的基本编写原则就是根据词的基本意思分类记忆,在此基础上区分同义词或近义词的细微差别。
第一章 GCT英语词汇题型综述 1.1 第一部分词汇题型分类解析 1.2 第二部分阅读理解词汇题解析 1.3 第三部分完型填空词汇题解析 第二章 构词法 2.1 前缀 2.2 后缀 2.3 词根 2.4 合成词 第三章 同义词、近义词重点复习 3.1 动词 3.2 形容词 3.3 名词 3.4 副词及其他 第四章 常用词组及搭配 4.1 常用词组 4.2 常用形容词词组 第五章 模拟试题及自测练习 5.1 模拟试题及精解 5.2 自测练习
76. The students were given only a ten-minute __ for tea. A. break B. stop C. pause D. span 77. My parents want me to be the best at anything,but I dont have such high __ A. instructions B. restrictions C. suspicions D. ambitions 78. An objective test is intended to deal with facts, not personal __ A. opinion B. comment C. reaction D. impression 79. He sent a(n)__ to his mother saying that he was gong to visit her the next day. A. remark B. message C. information D. statement 80. We reached a(n) __ to keep a dispute out of the newspapers. A. contract B. understanding C. comprehension D. conclusion 81. When my father graduated from the university, he decided to return to his homeland A. at last B. for good C. as usual D. on earth 82. He is German __ birth, but he was born in Paris. A. in B. by C. at D. from 83. In what way do you think your experience in publishing __ you for this job? A. admits B. grants C. qualifies D. permits 84. He always loses temper, but he is a kind man __ A. by heart B. to heart C. at heart D. from the heart 85. The price of the second-hand piano is relatively __ recently. A. cheap B. expensive C. cosily D. low 86. The girl will not become a nurse because she will faint at the __ of blood. A. vision B. eyes C. sight D. view 87. Seeing their mothers face,the children knew__was bad. A. the news B. the story C. punishment D. praise 88. If you listen __ to a professor who is talking on and on for an hour, your mind will often wander and your attention lessen. A. carefully B. passively C. attentively D. permanently 89. After two weeks without rain, the crop quickly __ the little rain that fell last night. A. absorbed B. dropped C. grasped D. flooded 90. To keep society in good order, it is necessary that everybody __ the laws. A. accept B. admit C. concede D. obey 91. When he heard the sad news, he __ completely.
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