
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:欧阳斌,张耀平 主编  页数:214  


  与物流相关的专业知识、理论基础和信息资料,乃至物流实践活动都具有较强的国际性,因此,物流专业学生必须具有良好的英语阅读、英语写作和英语表达能力,应该把物流英语列入物流专业学生的必修课程。同时,通过物流英语学习,可以加强学生对物流基本理论、物流相关概念的理解与认识,提高学生在将来物流实践中英语交流的技能。  本教材涉及物流概念、供应链管理、物流运输、第三方物流、零售供应链、连锁店、配送中心、多式联运、采购管理、物流信息管理、客户服务、包装与条码识别等。附录A为国际物流单证样本,附录B为缩略语中英文注解。考虑到多数学校物流英语课程按48学时设置,据此,本教材共分12章,教学过程中以4学时1章为宜。  基本课文(Text)与对话(Role. Play)均分为上下两部分,课文后有生词和短语注解(New Words and Phrases)。案例研究(Case-Study)部分供学生课外阅读,或者作为教师补充讲解的内容。每章后均有测试练习题,作为学生课外作业的内容,也可供课堂测验使用。  在第3章关于运输(Transportation)的内容里,增加了对真空管道运输(Evacuated Tube Transportation,ETT)的介绍,一方面,旨在让学生了解物流与交通运输领域里最前沿的技术;另一方面,借此一角传达真空管道运输理念,以推动其发展和早日实现。  四川师范大学文理学院外语系美国籍外教Gene Richards先生对书稿进行了认真细致的修改,在此表示由衷的感谢和敬意。  感谢思源学院光听,西安翻译学院柯大钢、武汉生,西安职业技术学院任建昌,西安外事学院邸岚、张旭起,西京学院闫纯苏、王海元,他们对本教材的编写给予了热情关注与大力支持。  由于水平所限,书中错误与疏漏在所难免,敬请批评与指正。




Chapter 1 Logistics   Text 1 What is Logistics?   Role Play 1 Placing an Order   Text 2 The Definition of Logistics   Role Play 2 Deliveries and Suppliers   Case Study Logistics at Wal-Mart   Test Chapter 2 Supply Chain Management   Text 1 Role of Logistics in the Supply Chain   Role Play 1 Conversation with Forward Air President ( I )   Text 2 What is Supply Chain Management?   Role Play 2 Conversation with Forward Air President ( II )   Case Study Future Trends in Supply Chain Management   Test Chapter 3 Transportation   Text 1 The Purpose of Transportation   Role Play 1 UK Transportation Conversation   Text 2 Definition of Transportation   Role Play 2 Ground Transportation   Case Study Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.   .Test Chapter 4 A Third Party Logistics Provider   Text I What is Outsourcing?   Role Play I Problems with a Client   Text 2 Definition of Third Party Logistics   Role Play 2 Sales Terminology   Case Study How to Select a Third-Party Logistics Provider   Test Chapter 5 Retailing Logistics   Text 1 Retail Supply Chains   Role Play 1 A Retail Conversation   Text 2 Retailing Logistics in U.K.   Role Play 2 Meeting with Customers   Case Study Grampian Country Food Group   Test Chapter 6 Chain Store   Text 1 Standardization of the Operation of Chain Stores--An Opinion   Role Play 1 British Food   Text 2 Definition of Chain Stores   Role Play 2 Bargaining at a Flea-Market   Case Study McDonald's Corporation   Test Chapter 7 Distribution Center   Text 1 What Is a Distribution Center?   Role Play 1 Target Distribution Center   Text 2 Warehouse Management   Role Play 2 Distribution Opportunities   Case Study Turbocharged Warehouse & Distribution Center   Test Chapter 8 Intermodal Transportation   Text 1 Containerization-Past,Present and Future   Role Play 1 Import and Export Business   Text 2 The Nature of Intermodalism   Role Play 2 The Economics   Case Study International Transportation Operation   Test Chapter 9 Procurement   Text 1 Definition about Procurement   Role Play 1 An Office in the University of Paisley   Text 2 Application of Procurement Systems   Role Play 2 An Office in the University of Paisley   Case Study United Nations' Procurement Methods   Test Chapter 10 Information Management   Text 1 Logistics Information and Communication Technology   Role Play 1 Using a Computer   Text 2 Information Application   Role Play 2 Hooking Up My Computer   Case Study Use of EDI in the Supply Chain   Test Chapter 11 Customer Service   Text 1 Eight Rules for Good Customer Service   Role Play 1 Customer Services ( I )   Text 2 Developing a Logistics Service Quality Scale   Role Play 2 Customer Services ( II )   Case Study Back-to-back Supply Chain Services Is More Than Just Logistics   Test Chapter 12 Packaging   Text 1 Introduction to Packaging   Role Play 1 The Packaging ( I )   Text 2 Packaging Types   Role Play 2 The Packaging ( II )   Case Study Coca-Cola Company   Test Appendix A Logistics Documents Appendix B Abbreviations Reference


  Supply Chain Management: a System perspective  Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a business system ofenterprise strategies, business processes and informationtechnologies for improving the planning, execution and collaborationof material flows, information flows, financial flows andworkforce flows in the supply chain. SCM is supported bymodular software applications that integrate activities acrossorganizations, from demand forecasting, product planning, partspurchasing, inventory control, manufacturing, and productassembly to product distribution.  A System of Supply Chain Management  SCM is a social or soft system which has goals, components,processes and a boundary.  Goals of SCM are to reduce inventory cost, to increasesales, to improve the coordination and the collaboration Withsuppliers, manufacturers and distributors.  Components of SCM System The components of a supplychain system consist of supply chain software and hardware,supply chain business processes and users of SCM system.  SCM Software and Hardware The core of an SCM system isSCM software. Supply chain software is a module-basedapplication. Each software module automates business activitiesof a functional area in the supply chain. UNIX is the most common operating system for running SCM software.  Business Processes  Business processes of SCM include supply chain planning, execution and collaboration and operational control.  Users The users of SCM systems are supply chain participants at all levels.  Boundary of the SCM Systems  The boundary of a SCM system is the boundary of extended enterprise which includes the company, suppliers, partners, distributors and customers.



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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   物流很快,美中不足的是买书不能一次买太多,要三本三本的买!
  •   案例与实训紧对应 辨明真知
    理论与实践相结合 学以致用
    学习与实务互补充 融会贯通
  •   书里的知识很容易懂,可以了解物流,还可以提高阅读能力
  •   还没看,纸张挺薄的,不过内容好的话也值了
  •   送货很快,态度好!
  •   还行,不是很难
  •   送作者若干个字。呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 写的什么玩意啊
  •   对得起这个价格吧

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