出版时间:2010-1 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:清华大学经济管理学院,北京大学光华管理学院 页数:129
Perceived Price Fairness and Its Effect on Buyer's Behavioral IntentionCognitive and/or Intuitional Morality: A Study of Consumer Reaction towards Corporate Social Responsible InitiativesRatio Cognition Bias in Perceived Value Presentation FormatsStudy of the Relationship between Customer Involvement in Service Innovation and Knowledge Transfer in Perspective of Customer Psychological Capital: Literature Review and Model DevelopmentIntergenerational Communication on Intergenerational Brand Attitudes in the Context of Chinese Culture:A Moderating Effect of Power DistanceInfluence of Consumption Experience Value in Service Encounter on Customer Loyalty:A study on Large?Scale Department StoreA Dynamic Model for Advertising and Pricing Competition in a Dual?Channel Supply ChainAn Analysis on Informal Rules Effecting on Long?term Coordination Relationships of Agri?Product Vertical Channel“Additive or Subtractive, Upgrade or Downgrade”:Self?selected Framing and Service Package Customization