
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:伍德豪斯  页数:191  








1. Relativity in Classical Mechanics 1.1  Frames of Reference 1.2  Relativity 1.3  Frames of Reference 1.4  Newton's Laws 1.5  Galilean Transformations 1.6  Mass, Energy, and Momentum 1.7  Space-time 1.8  *Galilean Symmetries 1.9  Historical Note2. Maxwell's Theory 2.1  Introduction 2.2  The Unification of Electricity and Magnetism 2.3  Charges, Fields, and the Lorentz Force Law 2.4  Stationary Distributions of Charge 2.5  The Divergence of the Magnetic Field 2.6  Inconsistency with Galilean Relativity 2.7  The Limits of Galilean Invariance 2.8  Faraday's Law of Induction 2.9  The Field of Charges in Uniform Motion 2.10 Maxwell's Equations 2.11 The Continuity Equation 2.12 Conservation of Charge 2.13 Historical Note3. The Propagation of Light 3.1  The Displacement Current 3.2  The Source-free Equations 3.3  The Wave Equation 3.4  Monochromatic Plane Waves 3.5  Polarization 3.6  Potentials 3.7  Gauge Transformations 3.8  Photons 3.9  Relativity and the Propagation of Light 3.10 The Michelson-Morley Experiment4. Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity 4.1  Lorentz's Contraction 4.2  Operational Definitions of Distance and Time 4.3  The Relativity of Simultaneity 4.4  Bondi's k-Factor 4.5  Time Dilation 4.6  The Two-dimensional Lorentz Transformation 4.7  Transformation of Velocity 4.8  The Lorentz Contraction 4.9  Composition of Lorentz Transformations 4.10 Rapidity 4.11 *The Lorentz and Poincare Groups5. Lorentz Transformations in Four Dimensions 5.1  Coordinates in Four Dimensions 5.2  Four-dimensional Coordinate Transformations 5.3  The Lorentz Transformation in Four Dimensions 5.4  The Standard Lorentz Transformation 5.5  The General Lorentz Transformation 5.6  Euclidean Space and Minkowski Space 5.7  Four-vectors 5.8  Temporal and Spatial Parts 5.9  The Inner Product 5.10 Classification of Four-vectors 5.11 Causal Structure of Minkowski Space 5.12 Invariant Operators 5.13 The Frequency Four-vector 5.14 *Affine Spaces and Covectors6. Relative Motion ……7. Relativistic Collisions8. Relativistic Electrodynamics9. *Tensors and IsometriesNotes on ExercisesVector CalculusBibliographyIndex


插图:1.2 RelativityThe principle of relativity emerges from thinking about another freedom in the choice of frame——its motion. We are used to taking the earth as defining a standard of rest and to building into our intuition about the behavior of mechanical systems the notion that the frame of reference is fixed; that is that it is fixed relative to the earth. This is reasonable in the context of terrestrial problems; but it has to be set aside, sometimes in a way that is quite hard to picture, in problems that involve motion over large distances. The rotation of the earth, for example, can be discounted in laboratory experiments, although its effects can just be observed in the behavior of Foucault's pendulum. It is not ignorable in the large-scale behavior of the weather (it causes air to circulate in an anti-clockwise direction around a region of low pressure in the Northern hemisphere); and it would be an unnecessary handicap to insist on working in a frame fixed to the earth in predicting the trajectory of a comet or planetary probe.The idea that we are also free to choose the motion of the frame predates the formulation of the laws of motion. It is put very clearly in Galileo's Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems [3].






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