
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:黄勇,杨金龙 著  页数:385  




  黄勇,男,清华大学教授,博士生导师。1937年出生于福建。1962年毕业于清华大学并留校工作;1959-1961年,在南京化工学院研修硅酸盐专业。曾先后在美国密歇根大学、麻省理工学院、瑞士联邦技术学院、澳大利亚Monash大学等担任访问学者或进行短期高访、讲学与合作研究。曾任清华大学材料科学与工程系主任、清华大学材料科学与工程研究院常务副院长、第六和第七届国家自然科学基金委员会学科评审组成员、S-863计划软课题专家组成员、国家“八五”科技攻关计划陶瓷发动机专家组成员等,现任中国硅酸盐学会常务理事和特种陶瓷分会理事长、《硅酸盐学报》主编等。  Jinlong Yang, Born in 1966, graduated fromBeijing Institute of Technology in 1987,graduated and got the master degreefrom North University of China (NUC)in 1990, got the doctor degree fromTsinghua University in 1996. He had thepost-doctoral experience at Departmentof Materials in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich) from 1999to 2000. He became a full professor in Tsinghua University in 2004, and had theposition of special-engaged professor and director of laboratory of advancedceramics in NUC since 2006.Research fields include: structured ceramics, ceramic matrix composites, colloidalforming technology of ceramics and laser green machining of ceramics. He hadwon some top honors, including the second class prize of National TechnologyInvention for a research program by State Council of China, and "Science andTechnology Advancement Prize" for other three programs awarded by the Ministryof Education and the government of Beijing respectively. He has delivered morethan 100 papers, and got 30 state patents for invention.


Chapter 1 Aqueous Colloidal Injection Molding of Ceramics Based on Gelation1.1 Colloidal Injection Molding1.1.1 The Concept of CIMC1.1.2 The Flowchart of CIMC1.1.3 The Machine of CIMC1.2 Pressure Induced Forming1.2.1 Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Solidification1.2.2 Homogeneity of the Green Bodies1.2.3 Controlling the Inner Stress in the Green Body1.3 Storage Stability of Ceramic Slurries1.3.1 The Importance of Storage Stability of Slurry1.3.2 Chemical Stability1.3.3 Inhibitor for Slurry Storage1.4 To Prepare High Reliability Ceramic Parts with Complex Shapes: Aqueous Colloidal Injection MoldingReferencesChapter 2 Gel-Tape-Casting of Ceramic Substrates2.1 Fundamental Principle and Processing of Aqueous Gel-Tape-Casting2.1.1 Tape Casting Types and the Raw Materials2.1.2 Polymerization of the Monomer2.1.3 Influence Factors on Polymerization of the Monomer2.1.4 Processing of the Gel-Tape-Casting2.2 The Characteristics of Slurries Used for Aqueous Gel-Tape-Casting2.2.1 The Properties of the Aqueous Ceramic Slurries with Binder2.2.2 The Influence of Dispersants on Stability and Rheology of Aqueous Ceramic Slurries with Organic Monomer2.2.3 The Influence of Plasticizer on Properties of Aqueous Ceramic Slurry with Organic Monomer2.2.4 The Influence of pH on the Properties of Slurries with Organic Monomer2.2.5 The Effect of Surfactant on Wetting and Green Tape Releasing (Separating)2.2.6 Foam and Pore Elimination2.2.7 Sintering of Green Tape Prepared by Slurry2.3 Aqueous Gel-Tape-Casting with Styrene-Acrylic Latex Binder2.3.1 The Importance of Binders in Gel-Tape-Casting Process2.3.2 The Forming Film Mechanism of Latex Binder2.3.3 Raheological Properties of the Alumina Slurries with Binder2.3.4 The Physical Properties and Microstructure of Green Tapes with Latex Binder2.4 A Gel-Tape-Casting Process Based on Gelation of Sodium Alginate2.4.1 Why Study on Tape Casting of Sodium Alginate2.4.2 The Preparation of Aqueous Alumina Suspensions with Sodium Alginate and Calcium Phosphere Tribasic2.4.3 Control of the Gelation of Sodium Alginate2.4.4 Characterization of Green Tapes2.5 The Spray Trigger Fast-Curing for the Gel-Tape-Casting Process2.5.1 The Idea of the Spray Trigger Fast-Curing2.5.2 Outline of the New Process2.6 The Features and Prospects of the Aqueous Tape-CastingReferencesChapter 3 Gelation Forming Process for Low Toxicity System3.1 Gelation Forming of Ceramic Suspension with Agarose3.1.1 Characteristics of Agarose3.1.2 The Effect of Agarose Contents on the Rheology of Aqueous Ceramic Suspensions3.1.3 The Forming Courses of the Aqueous Ceramic Suspensions with Agarose3.2 Alumina Casting Based on Gelation of Gelatine3.2.1 Characteristics of Gelatine3.2.2 The Gelation Process of the Ceramic Slurry with Gelatine Solution3.2.3 The Preparation of Green Body Using Slurry with Gelatine Solution3.3 A Casting Forming for Ceramics by Gelatine and Enzyme Catalysis3.3.1 Research Background3.3.2 The Gelation Mechanism of Gelatine Solution with Urea under Enzyme Catalysis3.3.3 The Rheology and Zeta Potential of Alumina Suspension Containing Gelatine and Urea3.3.4 The Coagulation Forming and Microstructure of Green Body3.4 The Alumina Forming Based on Gelation of Sodium Alginate3.4.1 Research Background3.4.2 The Gelation Principle of Sodium Alginate3.4.3 The Preparation Process of Alumina Green Bodies and Samples by Sodium Alginate3.5 The Gel-Casting of SiC Based on Gelation of Sodium Alginate3.5.1 Introduction of the Research3.5.2 The Effect of Dispersant on the Colloidal Behaviors of the SiC Suspension3.5.3 The Rheological Property of SiC Suspension3.5.4 The Sedimentation Behavior of the SiC Suspension3.5.5 The Gelation Principle and Process of the Alginate Solution3.5.6 The Gelation of the SiC Suspension with Alginate3.6 The Alumina Gel-Casting with a Low-Toxicity System of HEMA3.6.1 The Academic Idea and Research Program3.6.2 The Colloidal Chemistry and Rheological Property3.6.3 The Binder Burnout and Application of the New System3.7 The Synergistic Low-Toxicity Gel-Casting System by Using HEMA and PVP3.7.1 The Academic Idea and Research Program3.7.2 Zeta Potentials and Rheological Properties3.7.3 The Activation Energy and Solidification3.7.4 The Green Strengths and Microstructures3.7.5 The Exfoliation Elimination Effect and Analysis of the Interaction between PVP and HEMA MoleculesReferencesChapter 4 Generation, Development, Inheritance, and Control of the Defects during the Transformation from Suspension to Green Body4.1 The Rheological Behaviors of Aqueous Ceramic Suspensions4.1.1 The R.heological Behaviors of Aqueous Alumina Suspensions4.1.2 The Effect of Rheological Properties of Suspension on Mechanical Strength of Ceramics4.1.3 The Effect of Solid Loading on Colloidal Forming4.2 The Generation and Development of Defects4.2.1 The Generation Mechanisms of Agglomerations in Ceramic Suspensions4.2.2 The Influences of Idle Time on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Green Bodies by Direct Coagulation Casting4.3 The Effect of Ionic Conductance on Preparation of Highly Concentrated Suspension4.3.1 The Academic Idea and Research Program4.3.2 The Relationship Between Ion Conductivity Constants and Solid Loading4.4 Control of Inner Stress in Green Body4.4.1 Origin, Transformation and Control of Inner Stress in Green Body4.4.2 The Release and Control of Inner Stresses in Ceramic Green Body4.5 The Suppression of Surface-Exfoliation with the Addition of Organic Agents4.5.1 The Suppression of Surface-Exfoliation by Introducing PAM into Monomer System in Suspension4.5.2 The Suppression of Surface-Exfoliation by Introducing Polyethylene Glycol into Monomer System in Suspension4.5.3 The Suppression of Surface-Exfoliation by Introducing Poly-vinylpyrrolidone (PVP) into Monomer System in SuspensionReferencesChapter 5 The Gel-Casting of Non-Oxide Ceramics5.1 The Effects of Powder Surface Modification on Concentrated Suspensions Properties of Si3N45.1.1 The Contributing Factor and Elimination of Macropores in Si3N4 Green Bodies5.1.2 The Effect of Foreign Ions on Concentrated Suspension of Si3N45.1.3 The Effect of Acid Cleaning and Calcinations on the Suspension Properties of Si3N45.1.4 The Effect of Liquid Medium and Surface Group on Dispersibility of Si3N4 Powder5.2 The Gel-Casting of Si3N4 Ceramics5.2.1 The Preparation of Si3N4 Ceramics with Surface-Coated Si3N4 Powder5.2.2 The Preparation of Si3N4 Ceramics with Surface-Oxidized Si3N4 Powder……Chapter 6 Application of New Colloidal FormingChapter 7 The New Methods and Techniques Based on Gel-CastingAppendixIndex of TermsIndex of ScholarsPostscript


  Tape casting process was formally applied to industrial production of ceramiccapacitors in 1947, and G. N. Howatt received the franchise in 1952. This wasthe first ceramic patent (Howatt G. N., 1952) for tape casting for the production. In 1967, an A1203 film was successfully prepared by using tape casting byH. N. Stetson and W. J. Gyurk (Stetson H. N., et al., 1967). In the same year, IBMcorporation announced that layer packaging materials for use of computer hadbeen made by tape casting technology (Schwartz B., et al., 1967). In the 1970s,ultra-fine powder tape casting began to appear. As the technology was advanced,many new products were successfully developed, and a number of tape castingapplications were grown. In 1996, capacitors with 5 ~tm film were successfullyfabricated by tape casting in Japan. By 1997, tape casting machinery, which couldform film of 5 ktm thickness, began to appear in Japan and the U.S.A. markets. In1998 it had been announced by researchers that the film with a thickness of 3 ktmhad been obtained through tape casting technology (Rechard E., et al., 1998). Tape casting, as a processing method, is a multidisciplinary technique (RechardE., et al., 1998) which involves ceramic technology, powder surface physicalchemistry, gel chemistry, organic and polymer chemistry and so on. As tape-forming process had been put forward for several decades, and extensive studiesof the process were subjected to the attention of the scientific community, it hasundergone continuous improvement and enhancement.


  Novel Colloidal Forming of Ceramics discusses several new near-net-shapetechniques for fabricating highly reliable, high-performance ceramic parts.These techniques combine injection molding and the colloidal formingprocess. The book not only introduces the basic theoretical developmentand applications of the colloidal injection molding of ceramics, but alsocovers tape casting technology, the reliability of the product, and thecolloidal injection molding of Si3N4 and SiC, as well as the low-toxicitysystem. The book is intended for researchers and graduates in materialsscience and engineering.Mr. Yong Huangand Dr. Jinlong Yang are both professors at the Departmentof Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, China.



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