
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:里奇  页数:1099  


This book has three goals:1. To introduce students to the elegant theory that underlies modern computing.2. To motivate students by showing them that the theory is alive. While much of it has been known since the early days of digital computers (and some of it even longer), the theory continues to inform many of the most important applications that are considered today.3. To show students how to start looking for ways to exploit the theory in their own work.The core of the book, as a standard textbook, is Parts I through V.They address the first of the stated goals. They contain the theory that is being presented. There is more ma-terial in them than can be covered in a one-semester course. Sections that are marked with a are optional, in the sense that later material does not, for the most part, de-pend on them. The Course Plans section on page xv suggests ways of selecting sections that are appropriate for some typical computer science courses.






PrefaceAcknowledgmentsCreditsPART Ⅰ INTRODUCTION  1 Why study the Theory of Computation?  2 Languages and Strings  3 The Big Picture: A Language Hierarchy  4 ComputationPART Ⅱ FINITE STATE MACHINES AND REGULAR LANGUAGES  5 Finite State Machines  6 Regular Expressions  7 Regular Grammars  8 Regular and Nonregular Languages  9 Algorithms and Decision Procedures for Regualr Languages  10 Summary and ReferencePART Ⅲ CONTEXT-FREE LANGUAGES AND PUSHDOWN AUTOMATA  11 Context-Free Grammars  12 Rushdown Automata  13 Context-Free and Noncontext-Free Languages  14 Algorithms and Decision procedures for Context-Free Languages  15 Context-Free Parsing  16 Summary and referencesPART Ⅳ TURING MACHINES AND UNDECIDABILITY  17 Turing Machines  18 The Church-Turing Thesis  19 The Church-Turing Thesis    20 Decidable and Semidecidable Languages  21 Decidability and Undecidability Proofs……PART Ⅴ COMPLEXITYAPPENDICESAPPENDICES G-Q: APPLICATIONS


插图:3.2 The Power of EncodingThe question that we are going to ask, "Is w in L?" may seem, at first glance, way toolimited to be useful. What about problems like multiplying numbers, sorting lists, andretrieving values from a database? And what about real problems like air traffic controlor inventory management? Can our theory tell us anything interesting about them?   The answer is yes and the key is encoding. With an appropriate encoding, otherkinds of problems can be recast as the problem of deciding whether a string is in a lan-guage. We will show some examples to illustrate this idea. We will divide the examplesinto two categories:Problems that are already stated as decision problems. For these, all we need to do   is to encode the inputs as strings and then define a language that contains exactly   the set of inputs for which the desired answer is yes.Problems that are not already stated as decision problems. These problems may   require results of any type. For these, we must first reformulate the problem as a   decision problem and then encode it as a language recognition task.






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