
出版时间:2009-12  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:蔡丽伟 编  页数:336  


本书第1版自2005年9月出版以来深受全国高校广大师生及企业的欢迎,并于2008年被国家教育部评为“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划精品教材”。  此次再版作者审慎地对原教材进行经济发展、更符合社会用人需要、更好地为财经类专业英语教学实践服务。  本教材既适用于高职高专金融、保险、会计等财经类专业的教学,又可作为大中专院校经济管理类专业的专业英语教材,还可用于相关行业企业员工的岗位培训,对于广大社会读者也是一本有益的自学读物。


PART Ⅰ  FINANCIAL BUSINESS UNIT 1  AT THE INQUIRY DESK    Key Sentences    Dialogues   1. Opening Conversation   2. Asking for Change   3. Asking for Sending money   4. Asking for the Exchange Rate    Key Words and Expressions    Reading   Bank Services Ⅰ  Notes    Translation    Practical Exercises    Answers to Exercises  UNIT 2  OPEN A NEW ACCOUNT   Key Sentences    Dialogues   1. Open a Deposit Account   2. Open a Special Account   3. Open a Checking Account for a Company   4. About a Current Account    Key Words and Expressions    Reading   Bank Services Ⅱ    Notes    Translation    Practical Exercises    Answers to Exercises  UNIT 3  OPEN A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT    Key Sentences    Dialogues   1. Opening a Current Saving Account   2. Opening a Fixed Deposit Account   3. Opening a Foreign Currency Deposit Account   4. Handling Special Saving Plans    Key Words and Expressions    Reading   Types of Deposits    Notes    Translation    Practical Exercises    Answers to Exercises  UNIT 4  LOAN    Key Sentences    Dialogues   1. Personal Consumption Loan   2. A Foreign Exchange Loan   3. International Syndicated Loan   4. Mortgage Loan    Key Words and Expressions    Reading   Loan    Notes    Translation    Practical Exercises  ……PART Ⅲ  PRACTICAL ACCOUNTINGPART Ⅳ  SECURITIES BUSINESSAppendix Ⅰ  Interview EnglishAppendix Ⅱ  Business Everyday English In Foreign CompanyRefernces



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