
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:清华大学  作者:纪康丽 编  页数:314  


  在听、说、读、写四项语言技能中,说和写属于产出能力(pmductiveskills),比起听和读等接受能力(receptive skills)更加困难。长期以来,人们认为口语能力的提高就在于多练,但究竟如何练、练什么却莫衷一是。目前市面流行的口语教材大都侧重课堂练习的设计,但即使学生课上获得了锻炼的机会,却对口语交流的规则及其文化要素知之甚少。这也就难免出现一种情况,那就是学生的口语能力总是在低层次上徘徊,很难在语言表达能力和交流规则方面上一个台阶。为了满足广大本科生提高英语口语能力的需求,《英语演讲艺术》应运而生了。  本书是在借鉴当代国外二语(外语)习得最新研究成果的基础上,结合中国英语教学的特点,针对学生的需求和特点编写而成的。既有应用语言学理论基础,又融入了编著者多年英语口语和演讲教学的实践经验,是一本兼有理论指导和实际应用价值的教材。  《英语演讲艺术》的编写理念是:帮助大学生从理论层次和文化层次上把握英语口语交流的规则,通过阅读和分析名家演讲,了解英语演讲的模式、语言文体以及组织结构,从而提高学生的口头表达能力和逻辑思维能力。本教材的一个特点是:通过对学生演讲的即兴评论提高学生对自己不足之处的认识,以此引导学生有针对性地纠正错误。本教材设计的课堂练习,注重选用能够激发学生兴趣和思维的话题,锻炼学生用英语表达具有深度思想的能力,从而达到避免重复使用简单词汇和句式结构的目的。


本教材是作者在多年的教学实践中,经过不断摸索反复修改而完成的。全书共有17个章节,每个章节均包含以下几大主要部分的内容:概述、演讲知识介绍、名人演讲分析、学生讲稿分析、课堂练习、辩论示范作业布置及有针对性的补充阅读素材。经过对全书的学习和认真实践,学生可较为全面地掌握英语演讲的各种基本技巧,体会英语演讲获得成功的奥妙。该书中所涉及的部分名人演讲音频和视频材料,读者可登录ftp://ftp.tup.tsinghua.edu.cn,免费下载。同时,教师也可登录上述网站下载配套教学电子课件。    本书是为非英语专业本科生编写的选修课教程,也可供广大英语学习爱好者选用。


Chapter 1 概述Chapter 2 选题Chapter 3 内容Chapter 4 组织思想Chapter 5 论证过程1Chapter 6 论证过程2Chapter 7 连贯、一致与衔接1Chapter 8 连贯、一致与衔接2Chapter 9 演讲与情感Chapter 10 如何开头Chapter 11 演讲结尾Chapter 12 演讲与知识1Chapter 13 演讲与知识Chapter 14 修辞手段1Chapter 15 修辞手段2Chapter 16 正确使用语言Chapter 17 避免剽窃


  2.2.1Appealing to the Speaker  Why is it important to make a speech appealing to the speaker? If a topic does not attract you as a speaker, you will lack the emotional enthusiasm and knowledge to attract the audience. So first you need to ask: "What am I really interested in?" If you show interest in the examination system in China, you must have read widely about this topic and know a great deal about public opinion on this issue. Furthermore, you must have thought about this issue at length and formed your own opinions. Thus, when you select it as your speech topic, youll know where to look for information, how to summarize current views on the issue, and how to win over your audience. If you choose a topic of little interest to you, and have not researched it thoroughly, you would certainly have little to say about it. Consequently, your audience would not be impressed either. So before you select a speech topic, it is better for you to ask the following questions and see if you can have a satisfactory answer to each one of them.  Am I really interested in this topic?  Do I have much knowledge regarding the topic?  Have I read a great deal about the topic?  What is the controversial issue?  As a college student, you might show great interest in a wide range of topics, such as sports, literature, art, history, the development of science and technology, etc. But the things that interest you might not necessarily interest your audience. So the issue for us to consider next is how to interest the audience in your speech.



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   有时间就回去看看,没有太多想法
  •   看了相关评论买的,相信大家的品味。
  •   印刷纸质什么的确实不咋地了,提高英语演讲能力肯定会有帮助的。
  •   不仅有理论指导,还搭配实践练习,很切合实际,很有参考和借鉴价值。
  •   室友买的好像没怎么看了
  •   还行,不过货到的比较慢
  •   速度很快.

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