
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:刘玉梅 主编,陈橙 副主编  页数:228  


  《秘书英语》是高校文秘类专业教学用书。本教材根据新形势下文秘工作的实际技能需求,遵循现代外语教育理念的指导思想,将语言技能训练与文秘工作技能训练相结合。在教材的宏观组织、课文的选编以及练习的设计上,一方面重视基本理论,力求向学习者提供秘书工作所需的基本专业理论知识,培养该专业学习者所必备的专业技能;另一方面强调文秘专业英语听、说、读、写、译等技能的训练以及文化意识的培养,训练该专业学习者的英语综合应用能力和跨文化交际能力,努力做到科学性、系统性和实践性的统一。本教材既可作为秘书专业相关课程的教材,也可作为英语秘书工作者的日常工具书。  本教材共10个部分,以秘书工作的不同环节为主题进行编排,每个部分包含两个单元,每个单元包含两个小节,具有较强的系统性、实用性和趣味性。第1部分作为引言,介绍秘书工作的职责及日常工作,第10部分介绍文件管理及办公自动化,主要以阅读为主。其余部分的第一单元以阅读为主,为学习者提供简要的文化背景知识、文秘职业的相关理论知识以及相关的语言知识。第二单元配以相应的情景模拟,旨在通过情景模拟,训练学习者的基本语言技能、熟悉现代秘书工作的具体内容。每个单元附有丰富的配套练习,帮助学习者利用所学到的语言知识进一步展开口头和书面交际活动。附录提供词汇表、秘书英语及公文函件常用语,供学习者参考。此外,本教材还提供了阅读文章的参考译文,以帮助学习者更好地阅读和理解原文。


作为高校文秘专业精品教材,本书从系统性、实用性和趣味性出发,以当前秘书工作的不同环节为主线,针对实际技能需求,借助于当前外语教学主流方法,充分结合语言技能训练与文秘工作技能训练,精心选编了相关短文、对话和练习,在注重基本理论的同时,兼顾听、说、读、写、译等专业技能训练,旨在帮助学生提高英语综合应用能力和跨文化交际能力。    全书共10部分,涉及秘书工作的不同环节:每部分包含两个单元,每单元由两个小节组成,每个小节都包含短文和相应的配套练习。书后提供3个附录(词汇表、办公英语常用表达200例和商务信函常用表达100例)和参考答案。    本书可作为高等院校尤其是高职高专院校的文秘类专业或英语类专业教学用书,也可作为英语秘书工作者的日常工具书和涉外工作人员的参考书。


Part 1  Introduction: The Making of a Qualified Secretary Unit 1  Read to Know  Section A  How to Be a Secretary   Practice  Section B  How to Be a Successful Secretary   Practice   Unit 2  Practice to Learn  Section A  What Should a Secretary Do in Office   Practice  Section B  A Secretary's Day   PracticePart 2 Greeting and Introduction   Unit 1  Read to Know  Section A  Breaking the Ice   Practice  Section B  How to Receive Your Customers   Practice Unit 2  Practice to Learn  Section A  Greeting  Section B  Introduction   PracticePart 3 Secretarial English for Telephone Use Unit 1  Read to Know  Section A  Phone Call Etiquette   Practice  Section B  How Phonogenic Are You?   Practice Unit 2  Practice to Learn  Section A  Arrangements  Section B  Leaving aMessage   PracticePart 4 Reception and Send-off Unit 1  Read to Know  Section A  How to Hire the Best Receptionist for Your Office   Practice  Section B  What Makes a Secretary a Good Receptionist   Practice Unit 2  Practice to Learn  Section A  Receiving  Section B  Send-off   PracticePart 5 Communication and Interpersonal Relationship  Unit 1  Read to Know   Section A  Body Language in Communication    Practice   Section B  Business Dinner      Practice    Unit 2  Practice to Learn   Section A  Going to Parties   Section B  Sitting at a Dinner    PracticePart 6 Arranging a Trip Unit 1  Read to Know  Section A  Details in Making an Itinerary    Practice  Section B  Steps to Follow in Making an Itinerary   Practice Unit 2  Practice to Learn  Section A  Booking Tickets  Section B  Making Reservations   PracticePart 7 Arranging a Meeting Unit 1  Read to Know  Section A  Meeting Arrangement and Minutes Taking   Practice  Section B  Cross-cultural Negotiation ……Part 8 Dealing with Business LettersPart 9 Dealing With Documents and BillsPart 10 Files Management and Office AutomationAppendix Ⅰ VocabularyAppendix Ⅱ 200Sentences Commonly-used in OfficeAppendix Ⅲ 100Sentences Commonly-used in Business Letters and Documents参考文献


  Plan ahead when you issue the invitation. It is your responsibility to see that things go welland that your guests are comfortable. You need to attend to every detail from extending theinvitation to paying the bill. Make sure that the date works for you, since any possible cancellingor postponing can make you look disorganized and waste your clients time. Also, be sure to callyour clients the day before confirming the dinner. If theres a mixup on their end, be gracious andreschedule.  Select a restaurant that you know, preferably one where you are known. This is no time totry out the latest hot spot. Being confident of the quality of the food and service leaves you freeto focus on business. Select a quiet place where you can have good conversation and discussion,for if you and your clients cant hear each other over the noise of the diners and dishes, you willhave wasted your time and money. If possible, make arrangements with the restaurant to pay thebill prior to the dinner. Its best if the bill doesnt come to the table. But if the restaurant wontaccept advance payment, make sure you grab the bill first. Check it briefly, but dont quibble.  Work out the seating before your guests arrive. Make sure the guests have the best seats-those with a view of the water or garden, for example. Never make your guests face the wall,kitchen or restroom. If the table isnt suitable, dont be bashful about asking for a better one. Thisis a business dinner, and you dont want to shout across the table. If you have one client, sit nextto each other. If you have two clients, seat one across from you and the other to your side.  Handle any disasters with grace. With all your attention to detail, things can still go wrong.The food may not be up to your standards; the waiter might be rude or the people at the next tableboisterous and out of control. Whatever happens, make sure you are not the one to lose control.Your guests will feel uncomfortable if you complain in front of or to them.  Your conduct over the meal will, to some extent, determine your professional success. Ifyou pay attention to the details and make every effort to see that your clients have a pleasantexperience, they wil assume that you will handle their business the same way.





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