
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:清华大学  作者:(美)纳罕姆斯|改编:成晔  页数:771  




  国际著名学者Steven Nahmias所著《生产与运作分析》一书,现已出到了第6版,以其翔实、精深的内容和严谨的体系著称,被诸多国际著名大学的工业工程科系选为骨干教材。该书内容涵盖了生产与运作系统和过程的各个方面,包括战略与竞争、预测、综合计划、对已知需求与不确定需求的库存控制、供应链管理、推动式与牵引式生产控制系统、作业调度等方面。书中的论述条理清晰,易于被学生接受;拥有大量实际案例,特别是提供了一系列精彩的精简应用(Snapshot Application)实例,为学生提供学以致用的模板。在每章的开头,说明了学习目的与学习重点。书中例题与习题数量较多,且由浅入深,可引导学生举一反三,对巩固知识、培养能力颇有裨益。  该书可以作为工业工程专业本科生、研究生“生产运作管理”或“生产计划与控制”课程的教材。


作者:(美国)纳罕姆斯 改编:成晔


About the AuthorPrefaceIntroduction1 Strategy and Competition2 Forecasting3 Aggregate PlanningSupplement 1 Linear Programming4 Inventory Control Subject to Known Demand5 Inventory Control Subject to Uncertain Demand6 Supply Chain Management7 Push and Pull Production Control Systems: MRP and JIT8 Operations SchedulingSupplement 2 Queuing Theory9 Project Scheduling10 Facilities Layout and Location11 Quality and Assurance12 Reliability and MaintainabilityAPPENDIX: TABLESINDEX


插图:There are several dimensions along which one can evaluate production/operationsstrategy.Here are the most significant:1.Cost.Were pricing is a kev to market difierentiation and competitiveness.a maiormeans of strategy evaluation is the cost of products delivered to the customer.Direclcosts ofproduction include costs ofmaterials.equipment.and labor.Costs ofdistributioninvolve inventory carrying costs,particularly inventory in the pipeline,transportation,and distribution costs.Cost ofplant and process overhead also must be factored into thecost calculmion.Overhead costs of new processes may be the most difficult to evaluatebecause ofthe uncertainties ofboth the process reliability and the usefullifetime.2.Quality.In markets where product quality is a major determinant ofproduct suc-cess in the marketplace,or high reliability is required to meet product specifications,strategy should be evaluated along the quality dimension.For example,product qual—ity is the primary means of evaluating manufacturing performance in Japan.3.Profitability.Ultimately,it is the profitabilitv 0f a product line that determinesthe success of the strategy undertaken to produce and to sell it.However,as notedabove,short.term profit maximization could be a poor strategy for the firm ifit entailsreductions in the investment in new capacity and technology.If the time horizon asso.elated with the evaluation of any particular strategy is not correct,top managementcould be making poor decisions.Strategies that achieve short.term profitability maynot necessarily be in the best interests of the firrn in the long term.4.Customer satisfaction.Successful firms have come to realize that ultimatesuccess is achieved only by maintaining a satisfied and loyal customer base.Thismeans that the customer must not only be satisfied with a product when purchased,butmust have confidence that the firm will stand behind its guarantees by supplying effi.cient and cost-effective service after a sale is made.Market-driven quality is a term weoften hear these days.Its recent emphasis shows that companies are becoming moreaware that customer service must be made an explicit part of the product deliveryprocess.






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  •   本人从事生产企业供应链管理也有相当于一段时间了,也买过几本供应链管理方面的书,唯这本最有实用价值。里面的预测、库存控制等方面的理论都是很有实际意义的。其它供应链方面的书可能让你成为理论家,这本书却是可以让你在实际工作中对比深思的。
  •   非常好的教材,各方面的知识都很全。
  •   质量很好,排版也没问题
  •   为了辅助英文教材而买的。
  •   不错,没有缺失和错字
  •   很厚一本。非常好的书。
  •   书的内容与老师上课所讲内容相对应~
  •   书很新,质量很好,便宜,买教材很实惠
  •   影印教材,可做参考,避免翻译不佳对问题理解有误,值得

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