
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:(美)亨格瑞,(美)哈里森 著  页数:897  




本书由美国著名会计学家查尔斯·T.亨格瑞等编著,介绍了财务会计的基本概念、方法和原理。第7版对全书进行了精炼,将内容集中在核心概念上,为学生进入真正的商界作好准备。作者在书中尽可能地采用真实的文件和案例背景,帮助学生顺利掌握财务会计知识,获得阅读和理解会计报表从而制定相关决策的专业能力。    本书可满足MBA教学需要,也可供非会计专业学生学习会计学。




第1章 会计与企业环境第2章 记录企业交易第3章 调整过程第4章 会计循环的完成第5章 商品流通企业的经营第6章 商品存货第7章 会计信息系统第8章 内部控制与现金第9章 应收项目第10章 固定资产和无形资产第11章 流动负债和工薪第12章 合伙企业第13章 公司:实收资本和资产负债表.第14章 公司:留存收益和损益表第15章 长期负债第16章 现金流量表第17章 财务报表分析附录A Amazon.com年报附录B 投资与国际业务附录C 现值表附录D 习题答案照片索引术语索引公司索引


插图:A Certified Public Accountant, Horngren served on the Accounting PrinciplesBoard for six years, the Financial Accounting Standards Board Advisory Council forfive years, and the Council of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountantsfor three years. For six years, he served as a trustee of the Financial AccountingFoundation, which oversees the Financial Accounting Standards Board and theGovernment Accounting Standards Board.Horngren is a member of the Accounting Hall of Fame.A member of the American Accounting Association, Horngren has been itsPresident and its Director of Research. He received its first annual OutstandingAccounting Educator Award.The California Certified Public Accountants Foundation gave Horngren itsFaculty Excellence Award and its Distinguished Professor Award. He is the first personto have received both awards.The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants presented its firstOutstanding Educator Award to Horngren.Horngren was named Accountant of the Year, Education, by the national profes-sional accounting fraternity, Beta Alpha Psi.Professor Horngren is also a member of tl~e Institute of Management Accountants,from whom he has received its Distinguished Service Award. He was a member of theInstitute's Board of Regents, which administers the Certified Management Accountantexaminations.Horngren is the author of other accounting books published by Prentice-Hall:Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Twelfth Edition, 2006 (with Srikant Datarand George Foster); Introduction to Financial Accounting, Ninth Edition, 2006 (withGary L. Sundem and John A. Elliott); Introduction to Management Accounting,Thirteenth Edition, 2005 (with Gary L. Sundem and William Stratton); FinancialAccounting, Sixth Edition, 2006 (with Walter T. Harrison, Jr.).Horngren is the Consulting Editor for Prentice-Hall's Charles T. Horngren Seriesin Accounting. Walter T. Harrison, Jr. is Professor Emeritus of Accounting at the Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University. He received his B.B.A. degree from Baylor University, his M.S. from Oklahoma State University, and his Ph.D. from Michigan State University.Professor Harrison, recipient of numerous teaching awards from student groups as well as from university administrators, has also taught at Cleveland State Community College, Michigan State University, the University of Texas, and Stanford University.






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