
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:欣泽  页数:374  


建设管理原是我国土木工程专业中重要的方向,许多土木类院系设有该专业,近年不少综合性大学也设置了该专业。随着我国加入WT0、中国企业角逐国际工程、国外建筑企业挤入中国市场,使得建设管理专业教育必须提供从内容到语言上能够与国际建筑业接轨的课程。    鉴于这种趋势,清华大学出版社凭借在引进国外原版教材方面的领先地位,与全球高等教育出版巨擘——美国培生教育出版集团——合作,经过清华大学建设管理系专家评审,率先推出这套“国外大学优秀教材——建设管理系列(影印版)”教材。    “国外大学优秀教材——建设管理系列(影印版)”适合作为建设管理专业、相关经济类专业和土木工程专业的英文版教材,也适合具有较好英文基础和专业背景、渴望了解国外相关领域知识的企业界人士作为参考书。


CHAPTER 1 INTkODUCTION   Bar Charts     Shortcomings of Bar Charts     The Sports Facility Project     Value of Bar Charts   Other Scheduling Approaches   Work Breakdown Structure   Reasons for Planning and Scheduling in Construction   Review Questions CHAPTEr 2 DEVELOPING A NETWOkK MODEL   Steps in Building a Network Model     Defining Activities     Ordering Activities     Drawing the Network Diagram     Assigning Durations to Activities     Assigning Resources and Costs     Calculating Early and Late StaofFinish Times     Identify the Critical Path y the Critical Path     Scheduling Activit qtarVFinish Times     scheduling Activity StarVFinish Times   Final Comments   Review Questions CHAPTER 3 PkECEDENCE DIAGRAMS   Precedence (Activity-on-Node) Networks   Activity Relationships     Basics about Precedence Diagrams     Calculations on a Precedence Network     Independent Float and interfering Float     Computations for Different Activity Relationships     Final Comments     Review Problems CHAPTEr 4 DETERMINING ACTIVITY DURATIONS   Estimating   Types of Estimates     Conceptual Estimates     Detailed Estimates   Conducting a Detailed Estimate   Estimating Durations   Scheduling Issues   Factors influencing Choice of Activity Schedules     Weather and the Schedule     Uncertainty in Duration Estimates   Final Comments   Review Problems CHAPTER 5 TIME IN CONTRACT PROVISIONS   Time is of the Essence   Requirements for Project Coordination   Cooperation   Progress Schedule   Ownership of Float   Notice to Proceed   Time of Completion   Units of Time: Working Days or Calendar Days   Liquidated Damages--Damages for Late Completion   Weather   Use of Completed Portions of the Work   Substantial Completion   Notice of Delays   AVoidable Delays   Unavoidable Delays   Extension of Time (AVoidable Delays)   Extension of Time (Unavoidable Delays)   Submittals   Progress Payments   Payment for Materials  Final Payment  Suspension   Termination by Contractor   Final Comments   Review QuestionsCHAPTER 6 RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND RESOURCE LEVELING CHAPTER 7 MONEY AND NETWORK SCHEDULES CHAPTER 8 pROjECT MONITORING AND CONTROL CHAPTER 9 COMPUTER SCHEDULING CHAPTER 10 EARNED VALUE: A MEANS FORCHAPTER 11 THE IMPACT OF SCHEDULINGCHAPTEk 12 CPM IN DISPUTE kESOLUTION AND LITIGATION CHAPTER 13 SHORT-INTERVAL SCHEDULES CHAPTER 14 LINEAR SCHEDULING CHAPTEr 15 PERT: PROGRAM EVALUATIONCHAPTEk 16 ARROW DIAGRAMS REFERENCES ADDITIONAL REFERENCES INDEX



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