
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:王虹,耿伟 主编  页数:231  


  《外贸英语函电》是国际经济与贸易专业及商务英语专业的核心业务课程之一,是一门将英语与国际贸易业务环节相结合的课程。本书介绍国际贸易实务中各种英文业务函件及电子邮件的写作格式和表达方法,以及对外贸易各环节的具体做法,旨在提高学生英语水平的同时,使其熟练掌握国际贸易实务中常用的基本术语及表达技巧,培养和强化其外贸业务能力,为国家培养从事国际贸易工作的高水平应用型人才。  本书主要特点是:①以对外经贸商务活动的成交过程为主线;②信函范例精选国际贸易活动的最新材料和实例;③突出基本词汇、句型和格式,学会撰写规范的国际贸易函电;④练习形式多样化,有针对性,力求做到学以致用;⑤每章安排有背景介绍、写作模块等内容,体现了对外贸易发展的实际情况,便于课堂教学和自学。  本书共17章。第1章系统介绍了英文商务信函写作的基本知识。第2~16章则遵循外贸常规流程,依次介绍业务关系建立、资信调查、询盘和发盘、还盘和接受、订单及其履行、支付方式、信用证、包装、装运、保险、索赔和理赔、贸易方式、业务合同订立等内容。第17章简要介绍了其他常用商务信函的写作技巧。书后附有参考文献和单元练习的参考答案。另外,我们为选择本书作教材的教师提供电子课件。


本教材主要涉及国际贸易各个环节书面沟通的写作规范,还有经贸合同的写作技巧、其他主题的书信范例和求职信及简历的写作指导。本教材以样信解析为主线,连接国际贸易的背景知识,商务英语词汇的特殊用法及相关的英语语法知识。同时也可以更好地完善财经专业学生的知识结构,开阔视野,提高学生从事宏观经济工作的综合素质。  本书适合国际经济与贸易专业的学生学习使用,也可以作为国际贸易业务人员的参考用书。


Chapter One  Business Letters(商务信函)	 1.1  Introduction	 1.2  Writing Guide	  1.2.1  The Essentials of Business Letter Writing	  1.2.2  The Structure of Business Letters	  1.2.3  The Formats of a Business Letter	  1.2.4  The Format of Envelopes	 1.3  Letters for Example	  1.3.1  Letter One	  1.3.2  Letter Two	  1.3.3  Letter Three	  1.3.4  Letter Four	 1.4  Words and Phrases	 1.5  Notes	 1.6  Useful Expressions	 1.7  Exercises	Chapter Two  Establishing Business Relations(建立业务关系)	 2.1  Introduction	 2.2  Writing Guide	 2.3  Letters for Example	  2.3.1  An Introduction of an Exporter	  2.3.2  A Positive Reply from an Importer	  2.3.3  A Negative Reply from an Importer	  2.3.4  An Introduction of an Importer	  2.3.5  A Reply from an Exporter on Transferring Business Relations	 2.4  Words and Phrases	 2.5  Notes	 2.6  Useful Expressions	 2.7  Exercises	Chapter Three  Enquires(询盘)	 3.1  Introduction	 3.2  Writing Guide	 3.3  Letters for Example	  3.3.1  A First Enquiry and Reply	  3.3.2  General Enquiry and Reply	  3.3.3  Specific Enquiry and Reply	 3.4  Words and Phrases	 3.5  Notes	 3.6  Useful Expressions	 3.7  Exercises	Chapter Four  Offers(发盘)	 4.1  Introduction	 4.2  Writing Guide	 4.3  Letters for Example	  4.3.1  Letter One	  4.3.2  Letter Two	  4.3.3  Letter Three	  4.3.4  Letter Four	  4.3.5  Letter Five	 4.4  Words and Phrases	 4.5  Notes	 4.6  Useful Expressions	 4.7  Exercises	Chapter Five  Counter-offers(还盘)	 5.1  Introduction	 5.2  Writing Guide	 5.3  Letters for Example	  5.3.1  Letter One	  5.3.2  Letter Two	  5.3.3  Letter Three	  5.3.4  Letter Four	 5.4  Words and Phrases	 5.5  Notes	 5.6  Useful Expressions	 5.7  Exercises	Chapter Six  Conclusion of Business(达成业务关系)	Chapter Seven  Terms of Payment(支付条款)	Chapter Eight  Establishment of L/C and Amendment(信用证的开立与修改)	Chapter Nine  Packing and Shipping Mark(包装与唛头)	Chapter Ten  Shipment(装运)	Chapter Eleven  Insurance(保险)	Chapter Twelve  Agency(代理)	Chapter Thirteen  Complaints and Claims(抗议与索赔)	Chapter Fourteen  Sales Promotion(促销)	Chapter Fifteen  International Trade Contract Writing(国际贸易合同的写作)	Chapter Sixteen  Contracts and Agreements(合同与协议)	Chapter Seventeen  Other Letters Writing(其他书信写作)	Bibliography(参考文献)	Appendix(附录)	Key to Exercises(习题答案)


  Business letter is the most frequently used form of communication. It is very important inthe business world. Business executives are supposed to write good business letters as to carryout business routine efficiently. If a businessman is unable to write an effective business letter,it is very difficult to represent himself positively, which may cause some problems in doingbusiness.  All business letters have two main functions. One is to ask for and give a reply to anenquiry, offer, order or complaint. The other one is to keep a record of all the important factsfor ready reference. An effective business letter will say what the writer wants it to say clearlyand simply. It should be precise, straightforward, relevant and action-centered. It should also bewritten in a friendly, formal style using plain language. Thus, in order to communicateeffectively, you should ensure that the letters portray you as approachable, caring, effective andprofessional. In addition, you should be very familiar with the established layout and practiceof business letters. There are three styles of business communication: the full blocked style, theindented style and the semi-blocked style. The fully-blocked style with open punctuation is themost popular method of display for business letters, because it is considered to be businesslike,simple and professional.



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