出版时间:2009-5 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:维尼特 页数:378
Concise Prelude to Programming: Concepts & Design provides a language-inde-pendent introduction to programming concepts that helps students learnthe following:General programming topics, such as data types, control structures,arrays, files, and subprogramsStructured programming principles, such as top-down modular design and proper program documentation and styleBasic tools and algorithms, such as data validation, defensive programming, sums and averages computation, and list searching andsortingNo prior computer or programming experience or any special knowledge ofmathematics, finance, or other discipline is necessary.
本书是一本关于程序设计的教材,它围绕程序设计初学者面对的中心问题(即如何构思算法)来介绍程序设计中的主要基本概念和设计方法,包括“程序设计开发的过程、选择结构、重复结构、数组、文件”等,并介绍了主要的基本算法、冒泡排序、串行搜索等,给出了很多生动有趣的例子进行讲解。在算法最终描述时,以VB与C++为例,对一些程序进行对比实现。这样,既让学生可以在与语言无关的算法介绍中学习算法思想,又使他们能够自己动手进行实际的编程练习。 本书各章节后面配有丰富的练习题,很有针对性,网上配套资源也很实用,不仅非常适合作为程序设计的教材,也很适合读者自学使用。
0 Introduction 0.1 Computers Everywhere 0.2 A Brief History of Computers What Is a Computer? Early Computers Personal Computers Today's Computers The Internet 0.3 Computer Basics The Central Processing Unit Internal Memory Mass Storage Devices Input Devices Output Devices 0.4 Software and Programming Languages Types of Software Types of Programming Languages Chapter Review and Exercises 1 An Introduction to Programming In the Everyday World: You Are Already a Programmer! 1.1 What Is Programming? A General Problem-Solving Strategy Creating Computer Programs: The Program Development Cycle 1.2 Basic Programming Concepts A Simple Program The Price Conversion Program Data Input The Input and write Statements Use Input Prompts Other Forms of Input Program Variables and Constants Variables Names Variable Names Should Be Meaningful! What's Really Going On with Variables in the Computer? 1.3 Data Processing and Output Processing Data The Set Statement Assigning and Reassigning Values to Variables Operations on Data Hierarchy of Operations Data Output The wrLte Statement Revisited Annotate Your Output 1.4 Types of Data Numeric Data Integers Dividing Integers Real Numbers The Declare Statement The Last Word on Price Conversion Scientific and Exponential Notation Character String Data The Character Data Type Operating on Strings Chapter Review and Exercises 2 Developing a Program In the Everyday World: Planning to Program? You Need a Plan 2.1 The Program Development Cycle The Process of Developing a Program Analyze the Problem Design the Program Code the Program Test the Program Additional Steps in the Cycle 2.2 Program Design Modular Programming Using Modules and Submodules Benefits of Modular Programming Provide a Welcome Message at the Beginning of Your Program ……3 Selection Structures:Making Decisions4 Repetition Structures: Looping5 Arrays: Lists and Tables6 Sequential Data FilesStudy SkillsGlossaryIndex
插图:2.5 Structured ProgrammingStructured programming is a method used to design and code programsin a systematic, organized manner. In this chapter, we have already discussed some structured programming principles: follow the steps of theprogram development cycle; design a program in a topdown, modular fashion; and use comments to document a program. In this section, we introduce two more aspects of structured programming: designing each moduleas a sequence of control structures and using good programming style. Webegin by discussing the use of flowcharts in program design.FlowchartsIn Section 2.2, we introduced two devices to aid in the design of a program:hierarchy charts and pseudocode. Each of these techniques has its place inprogram design. Hierarchy charts identify the program modules and showthe relationships among them. Pseudocode fills in the details of how themodules are to be coded.Another common program design tool is the flowchart, which is a diagramthat uses special symbols to display pictorially the flow of execution withina program or program module. Flowcharts help you visualize how a programwill actually flow. A flowchart provides an easy, clear way to see which piecesof your code follow the various programming structures that all programsare constructed from. These structures are discussed in detail in this section. The basic symbols in a flowchart are shown in Figure 2.5.
【本书特点】1.《程序设计基础》是一般性的编程问题,如数据类型、控制结构、数组、文件,以及子程序。2 结构化编程的原则,如自顶向下的模块化设计、规范的程序文档和风格。3.基本工具和算法,如数据检验、防御性编程,总和与均值的计算,列表搜索与排序。4.包含了多种多样的练习题,如自测题、复习题和编程题等。5.本书配套网站提供了多种辅助材料。