
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:甘艳平,叶唤倬 主编,陈聪 等编著  页数:156  


  根据国家教育部1998年7月6日公布的《普通高等学校本科专业目录》的内容,将原经济信息管理、图书情报学、科技信息管理、林业信息管理和管理信息系统等专业合并为管理学科门类中的信息管理与信息系统专业。目前,我国已有二百多所高等院校设置了信息管理与信息系统专业。该专业的发展伴随着世界信息化的发展而发展,为我国培养了大量的信息化专门人才。  网络化、信息化、全球经济一体化是当今世界的主要特征。20世纪90年代,信息技术不断创新,信息产业持续发展,信息网络广泛普及,信息化成为全球经济社会发展的显著特征,并逐步向一场全方位的社会变革演变。21世纪,信息化对经济社会发展的影响更加深刻,信息资源日益成为重要的生产要素、无形资产和社会财富。我国信息化发展的进展十分迅速。  基于此,信息管理与信息系统专业人才培养的任务十分艰巨。首先要定位,再定向,还要定措施。不同的高校要根据自己的特色来定位,如:以经、法、管理为主的综合性人文社科大学,其信息管理与信息系统专业就要定位在和经济、法律、管理的结合上,培养的人才主要适合在经济管理部门、司法部门、企事业单位等从事信息系统建设和管理以及科学研究等工作。定向的具体内容由培养目标来确定,本专业直接以信息化建设的人才需求为培养目标与标准,培养熟练掌握现代信息技术手段和方法,具有坚实的现代管理科学理论知识,具备较强的计算机应用能力的综合型、实用型的高级专门人才。定措施则是要确定对培养目标的具体实施过程和方法,包括师资要求、全程教学计划和教材建设等。  现各个高校在信息管理与信息系统专业的教材使用上五花八门,教材主要由任课教师自己选定。计算机方面的教材主要选用计算机科学与技术专业的教材,管理方面的教材主要采用管理学科的教材。尽管近年来一些出版社陆续出版了几套信息管理与信息系统专业的教材,但仍然不能满足教学的需要。根据教育部1998年信息管理与信息系统专业课程要求,结合中国高等院校信息系统学科课程体系课题组撰写的《中国高等院校信息系统学科课程体系2005》(征求意见稿)(清华大学出版社,2005年11月)的内容,我们组织长期从事信息管理与信息系统专业教学和研究的教师,在清华大学出版社的大力支持下,经过多次讨论和研究,组织编委会,制定教材编写规划,审定编写大纲,并采取主编负责制,层层把关,力争使本套教材成为具有系统性、完备性的高水平、高质量的信息管理与信息系统专业教材。


本书由信息技术专业以及英语专业两个不同领域的专家合作编写,介绍了信息技术领域不同方向科技英语的用法和特点,覆盖了众多的信息技术热点,如操作系统、程序设计语言、计算机体系结构、网格、嵌入式系统、机器学习、信息安全、移动商务、生物信息学和无线网络等。结合科技英语使用的要求,本书从阅读、写作和翻译三个方面进行了详细的讲解并提供有针对性的训练,相信读者在使用该书后不仅能够较好地掌握信息技术专业英语的特点和用法,而且对信息技术的相关方面也会有更深的了解。  本书可供大学本科高年级学生以及研究生作教材使用,也适合那些急需提高自己科技英语水平的IT从业人员和对信息技术专业英语感兴趣的人士自学。


Unit One  Computer Architecture	 Part One  Reading	  Text A  System Architecture	  Text B  The Component Types Recognized at the Processor Level	 Part Two  Writing	  Writing Salon	  Writing Activity	 Part Three  Translation	  Translation Seminar	  Translation Task	Unit Two  Operating System	 Part One  Reading	  Text A  Operating System	  Text B  Operating System Evolution and Concepts	 Part Two  Writing	  Writing Salon	  Writing Activity	 Part Three  Translation	  Translation Seminar  Translation Task	Unit Three  Programming Languages	 Part One  Reading	  Text A  Early Generations	  Text B  Paradigms of Programming Languages	 Part Two  Writing	  Writing Salon	  Writing Activity	 Part Three  Translation	  Translation Seminar	  Translation Task	Unit Four  Embedded System	 Part One  Reading	  Text A  Embedded System	  Text B  Exemplary Applications of Each Type of Embedded System	 Part Two  Writing	  Writing Salon	  Writing Activity	 Part Three  Translation	  Translation Seminar	  Translation Task	Unit Five  Biological Computer	 Part One  Reading	  Text A  The Digital Brain	  Text B  Computer Science and Bioinformatics	 Part Two  Writing	  Writing Salon	  Writing Activity	 Part Three  Translation	  Translation Seminar	  Translation Task	Unit Six  Information Security	 Part One  Reading	  Text A  Security Mechanisms	  Text B  Secret-Key Cryptography and Public-Key Cryptography	 Part Two  Writing	  Writing Salon	  Writing Activity	 Part Three  Translation	  Translation Seminar	  Translation Task	Unit Seven  Machine Learning	 Part One  Reading	  Text A  Machine Learning and Software Engineering	  Text B  Machine Learning Methods in Assistive Technologies	 Part Two  Writing	  Writing Salon	  Writing Activity	 Part Three  Translation	  Translation Seminar	  Translation Task	Unit Eight  Mobile CommerceUnit Nine  Grid Computing	Unit Ten  Wireless NetworksAppendix A  Key to Exercises	Appendix B    Text Translation参考文献


  Other users sit at workstations, connected to networks of other workstations and serversThese users have dedicated resources at their disposal, but they also share resources such asnetworking and servers——file, compute and print servers. Therefore, their operating system isdesigned to compromise between individual usability and resource utilization  Recently, many varieties of handheld computers have come into fashion. These devices aremostly standalone, used singly by individual users. Some are connected to networks, eitherdirectly by wire or (more often) through wireless modems. Due to power and interfacelimitations they perform relatively few remote operations. The operating systems are designedmostly for individual usability, but performance per amount of battery life is important as well  Some computers have little or no user view. For example, embedded computers in homedevices and automobiles may have a numeric keypad, and may turn indicator lights on or off toshow status, but mostly they and their operating systems are designed to run without userintervention  System View  From the computers point of view, the operating system is the program that is mostintimate with the hardware. We can view an operating system as a resource allocator. Acomputer system has many resourcesmhardware and software——-that may be required to solve aproblem: CPU time, memory space, file-storage space, I/O devices, and so on. The operatingsystem acts as the manager of these resources. Facing numerous and possibly conflictingrequests for resources, the operating system must decide how to allocate them to specificprograms and users so that it can operate the computer system efficiently and fairly




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