
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:刘轶军 著  页数:158  


  《有限单元法导论》是一本讲述有限单元法的入门教材。全书共有8章。第1章以简单的力学问题为例介绍了有限单元法的基本原理。第2章至第6章分别讲述了杆、梁、板、壳以及一般三维物体结构问题的有限单元方法,其中讨论了应用有限单元法的各种模拟技术问题,例如,如何评估有限单元法计算的结果。第7章是对结构振动以及动力学分析问题的有限单元法的简介。第8章介绍了有限单元法对结构进行热力学分析的基础知识。在各章的最后还提供了利用有限单元法软件的练习题。本书内容密切结合工程实际问题,简明易懂,特点鲜明。  读者对象为高等院校机械、土木、水利、航空等工程专业的本科生以及相应专业领域的工程设计技术人员。


Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Some Basic Concepts1.2 Review of Matrix Algebra1.3 Spring Element1.4 Summary1.5 ProblemsChapter 2 Bar and Beam Elements2.1 Linear Static Analysis2.2 Bar Element2.3 Beam Element2.4 Summary2.5 ProblemsChapter 3 Two-Dimensional Elasticity Problems3.1 Stress State in Structures3.2 2-D (Plane) Elasticity Problems3.3 Finite Elements for 2?D Problems3.4 Summary3.5 ProblemsChapter 4 Modeling and Solution Techniques4.1 Symmetry4.2 Substructures (Superelements)4.3 Equation Solving4.4 Nature of Finite Element Solutions4.5 Convergence of FEA Solutions4.6 Adaptivity (h?, p?, and hp?Methods)4.7 Summary4.8 ProblemsChapter 5 Plate and Shell Elements5.1 Plate Theory5.2 Plate Elements5.3 Shells and Shell Elements5.4 Summary5.5 ProblemsChapter 6 Three?Dimensional Elasticity Problems6.1 3-D Elasticity Theory6.2 Finite Element Formulation6.3 Typical 3?D Solid Elements6.4 Solids of Revolution (Axisymmetric Analysis)6.5 Summary6.6 ProblemsChapter 7 Structural Vibration and Dynamics7.1 Basic Equations7.2 Free Vibration of Multiple DOF Systems7.3 Damping7.4 Modal Equations7.5 Frequency Response Analysis7.6 Transient Response Analysis7.7 Summary7.8 ProblemsChapter 8 Thermal Analysis8.1 Temperature Field8.2 Thermal Stress Analysis8.3 Summary8.4 ProblemsReferences



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