
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:杨翠萍 主编  页数:155  


本教程为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,选材涵盖当今国际经济贸易和商务的重要领域,时效性强、典型性高,语言地道。  教程板块设计突出国际商务知识的传授与英语听、说、读、写、译的有机结合,注重培养学生的实际应用能力。每个单元重点讨论、分析一个商务专题,由“导入活动”、“阅读活动”、“商务交流”和“专业扩展”四部分组成。各部分内容的设计与编写坚持了操作性与挑战性并重的原则,以保持学生的学习热情和自觉实践的积极性。其中的“商务交流”板块围绕单元主题,参照各种真实的商务交际情景,为学生设计了灵活多样的商务英语口头与书面的交际任务,是本教程的一大特色。  本教程适合大学商务英语专业的学生及BEC(Business English Certificates)等商务英语考试的备考人员使用。


Unit One  Cimpanies Brief on Companies Reading-related Information Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the TextUnit Two  Products Brief on Products Reading-related Information Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the TextUnit Three Marketing Brief on Marketing Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the TextUnit Four Advertisements Brief on Advertisements Reading-related Information Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the TextUnit Five Sales Brief on Sales Reading-related Information Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the TextUnit Six Consumers Brief on Consumers Reading-related Information Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the TextUnit Seven Brands Brief on Brands Reading-related Information Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the TextUnit Eight  Competition Brief on Competition Reading-related Information Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the TextUnit Nine Retailing Brief on Retailing Reading-related Information Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the TextUnit Ten E-commerce Brief on E-commerce Reading-related Information Language Interpretation Word Study Key to Exercises Reference Chinese of the Text



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