出版时间:2008-10 出版社:清华大学出版社 作者:温涛,张翼,杨毅 主编 页数:358
为了满足社会和企业对高校毕业生英语技能的要求,高校英语教学模式、内容与教材建设都在不断地进行着变革与发展。随着外企的不断本土化和本土企业的日益国际化,各类企业对员工英语水平的要求将越来越趋于专业。尤其在外企,与外籍管理人员的沟通涉及大量行业英语的运用;而针对性不强、定位不够清晰的传统通用型英语教育无法满足各类企业员工对日趋专业化的英语技能的需求。按行业领域进行划分的行业英语教育,则因其强化对外交往及职业化技能,而成为当今白领和毕业生的新需求。因此,行业英语教育将成为大学英语教学体系中一个不可缺少的组成部分。 近十年来,我国信息产业的国际化进程日益加快。中国IT产业以其巨大的市场潜力、大量优秀的人力资源和显著的地域成本优势在全球IT行业正扮演越来越重要的角色。越来越多的国际IT企业逐渐将研发与生产基地向中国转移;众多中国IT企业向国际市场的拓展也代表了中国IT产业走向世界的趋势;同时众多为外企和出口市场服务的软件外包型企业也如雨后春笋般出现。如上诸多因素使IT行业对精通英语和技术的复合型人才产生了巨大需求。然而,在如此巨大的行业需求下,中国大学毕业生的行业英语能力却在面临着巨大的挑战甚至质疑。 “中国每年新培养出约60万名工程师,是美国的9倍。然而,在中国160万名年轻工程师中,只有约16万名具备为跨国公司工作所需的实用技能和语言技能。10年后,中国将需要7.5万名具备某种国际经验的经理人。中国目前仅有约5000名此类人才。” “只有不到10%的工科毕业生能够胜任在国际化企业工作,毕业生缺乏实践经验和英语口语水平差的状况使中国难以发展以服务为基础的产业。如果中国软件专业的本科和研究生毕业生英语水平不高的话,这些企业进军国际市场的举动可能会毫无意义。” ——麦肯锡研究报告 “如果麦肯锡的报告结论属实,那么中国将有可能因为人才问题而无法发展最新的产业以及应对迅速扩张的外资,中国和印度多年来的‘龙象之争’,竟然会输在英语教育上!” ——《国际先驱导报》 如上引用的麦肯锡研究报告和评论客观地指出了我国高校英语教育体系存在的问题。经过对行业需求与高校英语教育现状的仔细分析,我们认为,如果要系统提高我国IT类专业学生和IT从业人士的实际英语综合技能,从而提高我国IT行业的整体国际竞争力,我们就需要有一个系统的、科学的教学体系,建设一门有益于学生提高英语实用技能的课程,帮助学生学习到他们在IT企业里面该具备的英语技能,也为企业培养合适的人才。因此我们开始着手编写《IT行业英语》教材。 《IT行业英语》教材共分为10个单元,其主要内容以一名刚刚踏出校园,并加入一家IT公司的大学应届毕业生为主线。Leo是一名计算机专业的大学毕业生,刚刚加入一家名为MacroTech的IT公司。本教材将虚拟人物Leo在IT企业中所接触的各类常见技术场景进行汇总,并按照主题设计了10个教学单元。每个教学单元分为听、说、读、写四个模块,其中听、说模块的比例占60%,阅读模块占30%,写作模块(主要为E-mail写作)占10%。 本教材专门针对IT类专业的大学生或英语自学者所编写,难度适中,适合作为IT行业英语的入门级教材。今后课程组将围绕主人公Leo在公司内的职涯发展,继续编写适合更高技术与管理层面的《软件工程师英语》教材。 《IT行业英语》是课程组在面向IT产业的行业英语教育方面所作的首次尝试。书中难免会有疏漏之处,敬请各位读者、同行不吝指正,以使这本教材臻于完善。
随着我国信息产业的国际化进程日益加快,IT行业对精通英语和技术的复合型人才产生了巨大需求。要系统提高我国IT类专业学生和IT从业人士的实际英语综合技能,从而提高我国IT行业的整体国际竞争力,我们需要建设一个系统、科学的教学与教材体系,帮助学习者掌握他们在IT企业中应该具备的英语技能。 《IT行业英语》教材以一名刚刚走出校园,并加入一家IT公司的大学应届毕业生为主线,将虚拟人物Leo在IT企业中所接触的各类常见技术场景进行汇总,并按照主题设计了10个教学单元。每个教学单元分为听、说、读、写4个模块,其中听、说模块的比例占60%,阅读模块占30%,写作模块(E-mail写作)占10%。与传统教材相比,该教材具备了行业性、实用性、时效性与交互性等多方面优势,旨在培养、提高学习者的行业英语应用能力。
Unit:1 操作系统配置Unit:2 软件安装与配置Unit:3 电脑安全性Unit:4 在线交流工具Unit:5 办公自动化(软件篇)Unit:6 网络冲浪Unit:7 搜索引擎的应用Unit:8 办公设备(硬件篇)Unit:9 电脑性能优化Unit:10 多媒体
To choose when and how updates will be delivered to your computer, you have four options: Automatic (recommended) When you are connected to the Internet, Windows finds and downloads updates in the background-you are not notified or interrupted during this process and the updates do not interfere with other downloads. If you do not change the default schedule, updates that have been downloaded to your computer will be installed at 3 A.M. If your computer is turned off during a scheduled update, Windows will install the updates the next time you start your computer. If you need to help complete the installation process, Windows will notify you. For example, you might need to accept an End User License Agreement (EULA) before some updates can be installed. If you need to restart your computer for an update to take effect, Windows will notify you and will restart your computer at the scheduled time. Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them To receive alerts, you must be a member of the Administrators group for your computer. When you are connected to the Internet, Windows finds and downloads updates in the background-you are not notified or interrupted during this process and the updates do not interfere with other downloads. After downloading is complete, the Windows Update icon appears in the notification area and an alert pops up, letting you know that the updates are ready to be installed. To review and install available updates, click the icon or the alert. You can install all or some of the available updates. Notify me but dont automatically download or install updates To manually download and install updates, you must be a member of the Administrators group for your computer. Windows checks for important updates and notifies you if any are available; updates are not delivered or installed on your computer until you choose to do so. When Windows finds updates for your computer, the Windows Update icon appears in the notification area and an alert pops up, letting you know that updates are ready to be downloaded. After you click the icon or the alert, you can select some or all of the updates to download. Windows downloads the updates in the background-you are not notified or interrupted during this process and the updates do not interfere with other downloads. When downloading is complete, the Windows Update icon appears in the notification area again, this time to let you know that the updates are ready to be installed. You can choose to install all or some of the available updates. Turn off Automatic Updates You will never be notified when important updates are available for your computer, and you will never be asked to download or install them. This means that your computer can be vulnerable to security threats and harmful viruses that can damage your computer or your files. Viruses can also spread over the Internet to other people with whom you exchange e-mail, share files, or work with on a network.