
出版时间:2008-3  出版社:清华大学  作者:张九明  页数:179  


  本书为《新高职综合英语教程》第二册配套用书,全书包括单元学习目标、课文练习、语法系列练习、高等学校英语应用能力考试练习四个部分,各练习的选材都比较典型,旨在使学生通过练习切实掌握各项英语实用技能。  本书可作为高职高专院校非英语专业英语课程的辅导教材,也可供社会上英语自学者使用。


Unit One The Colorful Language Part One: Objective of the Unit(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises Part Three: Grammar Revision: Adverbial Clauses (状语从句) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCOUnit Two Customs of Communication Part One: Objective of the Unit(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises Part Three: Grammar Revision: Attributive Clause(定语从句)(1) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCOUnit Three Food Culture Part One: Objective of the Unit(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises(单元练习)  Part Three: Grammar Revision: Attributive Clause(定语从句)(2) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCOUnit Four Questions of Intelligence Part One: Objective of the Unit(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises Part Three: Grammar Revision: Participle (分词)(1) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCOUnit Five Dreams of Life  Part One: Objective of the Unit(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises Part Three: Grammar Revision: Participle (分词)(2) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCOUnit Six Famous People Part One: Objective of the Unit(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises Part Three: Grammar Revision: Gerund(动名词)(1) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCOUnit Seven Average but Respectable Persons Part One: Objective of the Unit(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises Part Three: Grammar Revision: Gerund(动名词)(2) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCOUnit Eight Weather and Climate Part One: Objective of the Unit(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises Part Three: Grammar Revision: Infinitive (不定式)(1) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCOUnit Nine Problems of Education Part One: Objective of the Unit(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises Part Three: Grammar Revision: Infinitive (不定式)(2) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCOUnit Ten Thanksgiving and Easter Part One: Objective of the Unlt(单元学习目标) Part Two: Text Exercises Part Three: Grammar Revision: Infinitive (不定式)(3) Part Four: Exercises for PRETCO Answers





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