出版时间:2007-12 出版社:清华大学 作者:休伊特 页数:291
These practice pages supplement Conceptual Physics, Tenth Edition. Their purpose is as the name implies-practice-not testing. Youll find it is easier to learn physics by doing it-by practicing. AFTER youve worked through a page, check your responses with the reduced pages with answers beginning on page 131. Pages 193 to 290 show answers to the odd-numbered exercises and solutions to the problems in the textbook.
Chapter 1 About SciencePART ON MECHANICSChapter 2 Newton's First law of Motion-InertiaChapter 3 Linear MotionChapter 4 Newton's Second Law of MotionChapter 5 Newton's Third Law of MotionAppendix D More About VectorsChapter 7 EnergyChapter 8 Rotational MotionChapter 9 GravityChapter 10 Projectile and Satellite MotionMachanics OverviewChapters 1 to 10PART TWO PROPERITES OF MATTERChapter 11 The Atomic Nature of MatterChapter 12 SolidsChapter 13 LiquidsChapter 14 Gases and PlasmasPART THREE HEATChapter 15 Temperature, Heat, & ExpansionChapter 16 Heat TransferChapter 17 Change of PhaseChapter 18 ThermodynaicsChapter 19 Vibrations and WavesPART FOUR SOUNDChapter 20 SoundPART SIX LIGHTPART ATOMIC AND MUCLEAR PHYSICSPART EIGHT RELATIVITY