
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:Anany Levitin  页数:562  


本书采用了一种算法设计技术的新分类方法,不但比传统分类法包容性更强,而且更直观,也更有效,因此广受好评。       这种分类框架条理清晰,契合教育学原理,非常适合算法教学。网上提供了详尽的教学指南供教师和学生下载,书中还为学生安排了习题提示和每章小结。为了提高学习兴趣,书中应用了许多流行的谜题和游戏,需要重点思考的地方则往往会用反问来提醒注意。


(美) Anany Levitin是Villanova大学计算科学系的教授。他的论文A New Road Map of Algorithm Design Techniques:Picking Up Where the Traditi。onal  Classification Leaves Off(《算法设计技术新途径:弥补传统分类法的缺·感》)受到业内人士极高的评价。在SIGCSE会议


Preface1 Introduction 1.1 What is an Algorithm?   Exercises 1.1 1.2 Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving   Understanding the Problem   Ascertaining the Capabilities of a Computational Device   Choosing between Exact and Approximate Problem Solving   Deciding on Appropriate Data Structures   Algorithm Design Techniques   Methods of Specifying an Algorithm   Proving an Algorithm's Correctness   Analyzing an Algorithm   Coding an Algorithm   Exercises 1.2 1.3 Important Problem Types   Sorting   Searching   String Processing   Graph Problems   Combinatorial Problems   Geometric Problems   Numerical Problems   Exercises 1.3 1.4 Fundamental Data Structures   Linear Data Structures   Graphs   Trees   Sets and Dictionaries   Exercises 1.4   Summary2 Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency 2.1 Analysis Framework   Measuring an Input's Size   Units for Measuring Running -[]me   Orders of Growth   Worst-Case, Best-Case, and Average-Case Efficlencies   Recapitulation of the Analysis Framework   Exercises 2.1 2.2 Asymptotic Notations and Basic Efficiency Classes   Informal Introduction   O-notation   9-notation   Onotation   Useful Property Involving the Asymptotic Notations   Using Limits for Comparing Orders of Growth   Basic Efficiency Classes   Exercises 2.2  2.3 Mathematical Analysis of Nonrecursive Algorithms    Exercises 2.3  2.4 Mathematical Analysis of Recursive Algorithms    Exercises 2.4  2.5 Example: Fibonacci Numbers    Explicit Formula for the nth Fibonacci Number    Algorithms for Computing Fibonacci Numbers    Exercises 2.53 Brute Force4 Divide-and-Conquer5 Decrease-and-Conquer6 Transform-and-Conquer7 Space and lime Tradeoffs8 Dynamic Programming9 Greedy Technique10 Iterative Improvement11 Limitations of Algorithm Power12 Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm PowerEpilogueAPPENDIX AUseful Formulas for the Analysis of AlgorithmsAPPENDIX BShort Tutorial on Recurrence RelationsBibliographyHints to ExercisesIndex






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  •   这本书是算法的经典教材,内容全面而且细致,能够有效地提升算法水平
  •   数的质量不错。这是我们学习算法的教材
  •   快起来去买吧!
  •   很不错的教材。只是课后题的答案太简略了。
  •   书本是好了点,就是装订有点差,首页就有点开胶了
  •   质量不错,内容翔实,值得初学者看一看
  •   这本书是非常经典的一本书,清华大学出版社有这本书的中文版,但是我认为读英文版收获会更大。
  •   RT,有些算法的有程序来实现后,发现不是很严谨,还是《C 算法》比较严谨些,毕竟是大师徒弟写的。此书的过人之处就是算法的分类思维很不错。
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