
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:清华大学  作者:弗罗斯特  页数:508  


你将开始数据库课程的学习。对于这门课程,许多书都提供了不同的学习方法,如何进行选择呢?不当的书会使本课程变得令人头脑麻木。你需要一本理论上通俗易懂,开发方法上简单直接的书;你需要一本使用实际商业例子的书,你更需要一本有趣又吸引人的书。本书正是如此。    本书以循序渐进的方式,由浅入深地介绍了关系数据库的理论和设计方法,并结合商业开发上的技术和经验,选取不同平台上具有代表性的范例,介绍了在Oracle、MS Access和MS SQL Server中使用SQL进行数据库设计和开发的方法。        本书内容全面、技术实用且先进、叙述深入浅出,语言生动有趣,图文并茂,使其跳脱了技术类书籍的枯燥烦闷,其内容、讲授方法、选用的示例以及课后练习别具特色,是一本很好的数据库教材。


作者:(美国)弗罗斯特 等


Chapter 1: The Role of Databases in Electronic Business Learning Objectives Introduction Components of an Organizational System    Network    Hardware    Software    Content What Is a Database? Why Are Databases Important to Business?    General Business Example    E-business Example Organization of the Text Summary Key Terms Exercises    Review    Discuss    PracticeChapter 2: Relational Theory Learning Objectives Introduction Relational Model    Relational Databa.se Management System (RDBMS)    Database Administrator (DBA)  Entity Relationship Diagrams    Primary Keys    Creating Relationships: Foreign Keys    Data Integrity    First Normal Form  Types of Database Systems    Relational Advantages    Logical Rather Than Physical Links    Fourth-Generation Language (4GL)    Data Independence  Summary  Key Terms  Exercises    Review    Discuss    Practice  ReferencesChapter 3:Conceptual Design  Learning Objectives  Introduction    Step 1:Represent Entities as Tables    Step 2:Determine Relationships    Step 3:Lisl Fields    step 4:Identify Keys    Step 5:Determining Data mypes  Designing a Single—Table Database    Problem Statemenl    Process  Designing a Database with a One-to-Many Relationstip    Problem Statemenl    Process  Database with Many-to-Many Relationships    Problem Statement  Other Multitable Database Examples    The HospitaI Database    The ACME Database    The Amazon Database  Summary  KeyTerms  Exercises    Review    Discuss    PracticeChapter 4:Normalization  Learning Objectives  Introduction  NormaI Forms    Denormalized Designs  Normalizing the Arcade Database    Update Problem    lnsert Problem  The Normal Forms    First NormaI Form 1 NF)    Determinants    Second Normal Form(2NF)    Third NormaI Form f3NF)    Boyce-Codd NormaI Form(BCNF)    Fourth NormaI Form(4NF)    Detecting Normaiization Violations  Summary  ……Chapter 5:Advanced Database Designs Chapter 6:Creating Databased with Oracle Using SQLChapter 7:Retrieving Data with Oracle Chapter 8:Creating Databases with Microsoft Acccess Chapter 9:Retrieving Data with Microsoft Access Chapter 10:Creating Databases with Microsoft SQL ServerChapter 11:Retrieving Data with SQL ServerChapter 12:Accessing Databases from Web Applecetions with Microsoft AST.NETChapter 13:Maintaining Databases from Web Applections with Microsoft ASP.NET



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  •   比较基础的讲解了数据库的原理与开发
  •   作为双语教程挺不错的

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